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dc.contributor.authorDewi, Euis Puspita
dc.description.abstractKota Tua Jakarta atau Oud Batavia merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi sekaligus pusat pemerintahan pada tiga masa kekuasaan dimulai dari zaman Pangeran Jayakarta, zaman Portugis dan Belanda. Ketenaran Pelabuhan Batavia pada masa itu sampai ke seantero dunia dan mendapat julukan “Queen of The East” dimana para pelaut dan pedagang asing datang untuk memperoleh rempahrempah. Pada abad ke XVIII, Batavia terbentuk menjadi kota dalam tembok, berbentuk segi empat dengan bagian utaranya pelabuhan yang menjadi gerbang masuk ke kota dari arah laut melalui kanal yang berasal dari Sungai Ciliwung yang diluruskan dan disebut dengan Kali Besar hingga sekarang. Polanya kotakkotak terbentuk oleh jalan dan kanal-kanal yang melintang dan membujur dengan bangunan-bangunan ditepiannya. Peninggalan-peninggalan pada masa itu yang berupa tata ruang, arsitektur bangunan, konstruksi pelabuhan dan perkantoran mengalami penurunan kualitas lingkungan dan bahkan kehancuran sejalan dengan dinamika Kota Jakarta yang terus berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satu elemen ruang yang masih dapat dilihat di Kota Tua adalah ruang-ruang terbuka publik yang berupa jalan, square, pelabuhan, pasar, waterfront dan sebagainya yang memiliki nilai sejarah tinggi. Ruang-ruang tersebut memiliki potensi sebagai wadah untuk menghidupkan suasana dan meningkatkan gairah ekonomi di Kota Tua yang selama ini menjadi kota yang ditinggalkan dan hanya menjadi perlintasan saja.
dc.description.abstractThe Old City of Jakarta has strong historical value as a genesis of the city today. Along with the growth and development of the city, the Old City area has undergone many changes that have not reach it, physically and functionally, until today. One of the most important aspects that have major influence on the urban revitalization is a public open space. Historical open spaces in Old City are important part of urban area that influence the urban vitality as the public activities are usually performed on those space. The aims of the research are to identify the present existence of historic public open space and to analize its characteristics, both physically and functionally, then to evaluate its integrity in the old city and to propose a guidance of conservation of historic public open space in the Old City of Jakarta. The study site is focused on the Core Zone of the Old City Revitalization Plan which includes four zones of different characteristics, ie: Sunda Kelapa Zone, Fatahillah Zone, Pecinan Zone and Pekojan Zone. The result of this research shows that the type of urban open space in the Old City of Jakarta was dominated by street type. The other type was square (Taman Fatahillah, Taman Stasiun Kota and tradisional market Pasar Ikan). The characteristic of open spaces had been strongly influence by the characteristic of each zone. The integrity level of public open spaces which consisted of historical, aesthetic and functional values were dominantly high in Fatahillah Zone. The legal aspects which support concervation were relatively adequate. However, a specific guidance for public open space, especially about greenery, had not been described in detail. Regarding the preference of the community, it was concidered that the more flexible uses and better linkage to sorrounding area were very important. The conservation concept proposed in the study is “create a public open space which represents its historical characteristics in each zone by optimizing its function, continuity and comfortness for users”. For technical guidance, the public open space with high level of integrity should be carefully conserved with very limited for physical and functional development. The public open space with middle integrity could be developed with adaptive use. The public open space with low integrity could be developed to fulfill the community needs (functionally), but the environment design should be inline with the haracteristics of the zone. Keywords : public open space, revitalization, preservation and uses, integrity.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis ruang terbuka publik bersejarah dalam rangka revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakartaid

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