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dc.contributor.authorJamarun, N.
dc.contributor.authorWarly, L.
dc.contributor.authorZain, M.
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to evaluate the effect of S, P minerals and cassava leaves supplementation on utilization of ammoniated palm oil leaves in rumen sheep. The research used randomized block design with fi ve rations as treatments and four groups as replication. The treatments were A= grass as control; B= ammoniated palm oil leaves; C= ammoniated palm oil leaves + 0.4% S and 0.27% P; D= ammoniated palm oil leaves + 5% cassava leaves; and E= ammoniated palm oil leaves +y 0.4% S, 0.27% P and 5% cassava leaves. The parameters measured were dry matter intake and digestibility of dry matter and fiber fraction (NDF, ADF, cellulose, and hemicelluloses). Dietary treatments had not significant effect on dry matter intake but signifi cantly increased dry matter and fiber fraction digestibility, especially ADF. Diet E indicated the highest digestibility which supplied the entire nutrient required to growth and optimize activities of rumen microbes.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDigestibility of Sheep Ration Containing Ammoniated Palm Oil Leaves Supplemented with Sulphur, Phospor, and Cassava Leavesen
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Vol.33 No.3 Tahun 2010en

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