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dc.contributor.authorSetiaji, D.
dc.contributor.authorSudarman, A.
dc.description.abstractThe aim ofthe study was to find a cheaper altemative antisfess for broiler rather than the commercial synthetic one. Ninety DOC strain CP 707 were used in this study which were divided into l8 groups, each consist of5 chicken and kept in the animal house with a litter system. This snrdy used Completely Radomized Designwilh six teatnents ardtbree replicatiors The teatlrelils were: I ) drinking water + commercial antistress as positive control, 2) drinking water without extact ;fbeluntas leafand without comrnercial antishess as negative contol, 3) drinking water + 5% ex6act ofbeluntas leafgiven continuously, 4) drinkt€ water + 5% extract ofbeluntas leaf given discontintrously (given only af the time whcn commercial antisf,ess was given), D drinking ;/ater + I 0/o extract ofbeluntas leafgiven continuously, 6) water + I ff/o extract ofbeluntas leaf given discontinuously. The rcsults strourcd tbatteafinents signifi€rtly (P4.05) atrectedleucocytes iumber, erythrocytes number, haemoglobin, feed inrake, and feed conversion, but did not affect hematocrit value, heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, water intake, and average daily gain. It is co:rcluded that the extact ofbeluntas leafcan be used as antistess up to I 0% ofdrinking water and is better given dismntinuously.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEkstrak Daun Beluntas (Pluchea indica Less.) sebagai Obat Antistres pada Ayam Broileren
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Vol.28 No.2 Tahun 2005en

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