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dc.contributor.authorHerman, R.
dc.description.abstractCarcass and non-carcass production ofPriangan ald Fat Tail sheep were studied at the Department ofAnjmal Productio4 Faculty ofAdmal Science, BogorAgriclltural University Six maie Priangan and six male Fat Taileri lambs were killed at 17.5 kg slau€hter weight A similar number ofboth breeds were also killed at 25.0 kg. Priangan and Fat Tail ofI8 483 + 0,160 and of 18.583 + o 262 kg body weight were fasted 24 hours (water was allowed) and fasted body weight (daughter weight) v.€re 17.600+0.089and 1? 490+0.020kg, respectively Similarly, Priingan and Fat Tail of26.lgcr 0.207 and 26.283 L 0 349 kewere also fasted at the same treatment and slaughter weights were 24.914 i 0. 183 and 24.890 + 0. I l4 kg. Before killing, they were reared on a pelleted ration coltarning 73.3% TDN and 160lo crude ptotein (100% dry matter basis)- Those animals were killed and dissected. The results showed that there were no signifcant diferences in the weight ofcarcass, organ! and offals, o(c€pt in the weight ofhead and tait at 17.5 kg (?<0.05) and at 25.0 i<g e<0.01). At 17,5 kg slaughter weight, Priangan (17600 + 89 g) produced 47.lelo carcass, I l.14% head and shank, 6.6?% skirf 14.38% offals, 4.84% blood ;d l2.71% gut contenq Fat Tail (17490 + 20 g) produc€d 48.'160/0 carcass,g.zly.lE d and shar& 7.00r"/o skiq 1 3 .38% ofals, 4.08% blood and I I 99lo gttt content. At 25 0 kg slaughter weight, Priangan (24917 + 183 g) produced 48.?e/. carcass, l0 14% head and shank 6.90% skin, 12.90 off-als, 5.o3o/oblood and l2.l2o/o gut content. Fat Tail produced 52 39olo carcass, 8.39lo head and shank, 7.00% skin, 13.ll% offals,4 l9l" blood and 10.6170 gut content.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleProduksi Karkas dan Non Karkas Domba Priangan dan Ekor Gemuk pada Bobot Potong 17,5 dan 25,0 Kgen
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Vol.28 No.1 Tahun 2005en

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