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dc.contributor.authorKumalasari, N.R.
dc.contributor.authorAbdullah, Luki
dc.contributor.authorJayadi, S.
dc.description.abstractCorn is used as foodstuffand industrially utilized feed as a potential ingredient in animal ration. Green forage, baby corn and its cobs are used also as ruminants feed. Application of Chromolaena dorala on latosol as mulchmaterial is expected to improve com production by contributing organic nutrition. The objectives ofthis research were to recognize the effect of Chromolaena odoran on production and quality ofgreen forage ofhigh density com, and to observe the contribution ofphosphorous mineral from decomposition of Clrom olaeru dorata in ttrc ground. This research was divided into nro steps ofoperiment. The fnt operiment, consisted oftwo levels oftreatments, i.e. : with and tilhoul Chrcmolaeru dorata (l2tonlta). The plants were fertilized with 60 kg K/ha and 225 kg N/ha. Plant was harvested at 40 days after planting. In the second experiment, corns were cultivated in the same area and the application ofmulch ( I 2 ton/ha) and P (60 kglha). Mulch inoeased significantlyvertical height but there was no effect on production ofgreen forage, mineral coilent in crop and uptake ofP and N. In the second o<periment, mulch addition improved vertical height ofthe crop, fresh and dry weight ofgreen foragg content ofP and N on the tissues ofcrop and also uptake ofP and N between two treatments were not significant. Appliattonof Chrcnolwm fuatamulchQxl2 tor/ha) was similar as the addition ofP anorganic (60 kg/ha) in improving growt[ production and quality ofgreen forage ofcom. ln this researc[ the mulch improved the content ofmineral P and N in the soil.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Pemberian Mulsa Chromolaena odorata (L.) Kings and Robins pada Kandungan Mineral P dan N Tanah Latosol dan Produktivitas Hijauan Jagung (Zea mays L.)en
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Vol.28 No.1 Tahun 2005en

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