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dc.contributor.authorSuci, D. M.
dc.contributor.authorRosaline, L.
dc.contributor.authorMutia, R.
dc.description.abstractThe Dumose ofthis exp€riment was to study the effect ofbanana leafmeat in diet (0-3 weeks) on compensatory growth of broiler (3 -5 weeks). One hundred and twenty day old chick were fed on three diferent treatment : P I used 0 % banana leafmeal from 0-5 weeks (R I )' i;ir-*al-'1" m.* taf meal (R2) from 0-3 weeks and Rldiet from 3-5 weeks ard P3 used l0 iiu--" i""t.iJ rc; from it-3 weeks and Rl di€t from 3-5 we€ks Each ofexperiment diets *J"inJ "rzeoo ti"vtg metabolizable enefs/ and 2lo4 crude protein cornpletely Randomiz€d it"t"" ",-"" *i ir rftit &oe.iment. ne rcsrtG strowed drar feeding with banana leafmeal at G3 -*"16'ti91ri6."",tv (P<0.0 1 ) reduced fe€d intake, and body weight gail (P<O05) .Recovery "lti"ar lT-S *""litl'Aid not show the compensatory gromh becauslofsignificantly reducrd FAdi fJ iilri<e -d borty weight gain bonclusion showed that effect ofbanana leaf mql in I"tiii-i*""t.t o" "otpensatory-gowttr ofbroil€r (3 -5 w€eks) cluld not maxinize fnal body rv€idt.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEvaluasi Penggunaan Tepung Daun Pisang pada Periode Starter untuk Mendapatkan Pertumbuhan Kompensasi Ayam Broileren
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Vol.28 No.1 Tahun 2005en

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