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dc.contributor.authorCahyadi, Wisnu
dc.description.abstractIodine deficrency disorders (IDD) is still a major public health problem In several areas of the world, especially in developing countries. The stabili~o f iodine will be influenced by food rype, water content and temperature during cooking. The problem of iodine decreasing or loss in iodized salt and food-stuflduring processing/cooking is still the controversy in the public, functionaty, even scientist. The analysis method used was Ion-Pair High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The iodine content from 15 iodized salt product in traditional markets and supermarkets in region Bandung have fulfilled requirement that war equal to 30-80 mg kg-'. The research result from the third observation in addition methods of iodized salt into food before cooking, during cooking and ready to serve obtained result ofpercentage reduction of iodate and the occurring of the highest iodrne species were 68.20% using the method of addition before cooking of spinach soup and 61.90% of rice porridge while using the method of addition during ready to serve was 19.46%. Besides from this research result can answer the controversy problem about iodine decrease or loss in iodized salt that mixed into
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePenentuan Kadar Spesi Iodium dalam Garam Beriodium yang Beredar di Pasar dan Sediaan Makananid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Gizi & Keluarga, Juli 2006, Vol.30 No.1id

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