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dc.contributor.authorZakaria, Fransisca Rungkat
dc.contributor.authorAbidin, Zaenal
dc.contributor.authorPramudya, Siti M.
dc.description.abstractChemical analysis of food contaminants in street foods around Bogor, West Java, had been re ported. The aim of this mearch was to evakrate whether the e#kt of exposure to chemical contaminants through street f& comsumptions led to accumulation of free radlcal derivatives in addeecent population. Subjects were devided into group I (industry workers, n=33), group I1 (villagers, n=31) and group 111 (elite high school students n=38). Group I represented low income and contaminated population, Group I1 low income moderately contaminated, and Group 111 high income less contaminated. Bie chemical analysk of plasma frwn the three groups showed that the antioxidant nutrient levels of retlnd, camtene and albumln were In the nonnal ranges while tocopherd and vitamin C were below nonnal IevaEs. Cumulative data fmm all groups revealed that group I had the lowest antioxidant nuL trient8 in the plasma, while group 111 had the highest level. Group I had the highest concentration of malonaMahyde MDA in the plasma (1.06 umoUL) fdlowed by group 11 (1.08 uWL) and group 111 (0.86 umoUL). The mwll of this ~ r crevheale d potential hazard of street food cornsumtion through the formation of radical compounds. (I is suggested that amsumption of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E containing foods might counteract this potential
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKadar Malonaldehida dan Zat Gizi Antioksidan Plasma pada Populasi Remaja Rentan Pencemaran Makananid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Teknologi & Industri Pangan Volume VII Nomor 3id

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