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Behavior, reproduction, and meat characteristics of white- Tail Rats (Maxomys Hellwandii)

dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Indyah
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted to study behaviour, reproduction and meat characteristics, organoleptic test of white tail rats (Maxomys Hellwandii).The research was conducted in the native habitat of White tail rats in the forest of Minahasa, and in the farm outside the habitat in Tateli village of Pineleng District. The study was done for 12 months, using 190 rats consisted of 70 males and 120 females. Organoleptic test was done in the laboratory of Animal Husbandry of Sam Ratulangi University. The analysis of the meat physical and chemical properties was conducted in the Laboratory of Large Ruminant, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and in the Laboratory of Physiology, Faculty Veterinary Medicine, IPB, Bogor. The research was conducted in four phases. The first phase was a preliminary periode to obtain information about wild white tail rats. The second phase was a study about food adaptation and behavior. The third phase was to study reproduction performance. The fourth phase was to study meat characteristic and organoleptic test. The result of the study in the original habitat showed that white tail forest rats adapted very well to environmental condition. Activity was done mostly in the evening (nocturnal) and the rats often found at wild piper, bamboo, and other fruit trees. During the day time the rats entered subterranean cave in bushes, in the roots of trees or at small stone cave. Activities done in the evening were coloning, grooming, resting, and playing. They ate most of all food types. The male rats consumed 3,89 g DM/head/day; while female rats consumed 3,34 g DM/head/day. The estrus cycle was 3 to 5 days, consisted of proestrus (12 hours), estrus (12 hours), metestrus (18-24 hours), and diestrus (45-54 hours). The carcass percentage were 59.17% for male rats, and 54.24% for female. Based on chemical properties, the meat of white tail rats had water and fat content lower than that of other domestic livestocks. The meat of white tail rats also had higher content of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. The content of free water in the meat of white tail rats was low as compared to that of beef, lamb, and napu. White tail rats meat can be accepted by people in the Regency of Minahasa and Manado City. This meat is prefer to dogs meat, pork, and
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleTingkah laku, reproduksi, dan karakteristik daging tikus ekor putih (Maxomys hellwandii)id
dc.titleBehavior, reproduction, and meat characteristics of white- Tail Rats (Maxomys Hellwandii)en

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