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dc.description.abstractThe solution of land use conflict needs a pattern of land use that could fulfill economic interest of lokal people and global need and the National interest or in accordance with the sustainable principles. Pattern of land use is known with the name of repng &mar developed by lokal people of the coastal area of Krui West Lampung and is proved to be a pattern that fulfills the sustainable principles. In relation to the above, it is interesting to make a research to the factors that influence option of the utilization of land by the farmer. This research is meant to study and examine characteristic of the economic factor, social and culture, and physical condition of the related land that influences the option of land use by the farmer. Location for the research is Krui West Lampung, conducted in from July to November 200 1. The respondents consist of 240 farmers. The data was collected by using questioners guide. Data analysis uses descriptive and multinomial logrt model. Result of the analysis and conclusion of the research shows that economic factors is related to the option of land use consisting of size of land, perception to the availability of forest land, working capital, marketing chanel, perception to the repong land and nwl-repong &mar, number of productive family, road conditions, family income. Social and cultural factor that is related to the use of land consists of ethnic, motive in authority the land, source of land acquisition, mastering of technique for repong cultivation, frequency of mutual cooperation, pride for having of business land, inheritance system of repoi~g b a r land and non-repong land, attitude toward the economic values of the reprtg hmmm zone, property right of land, perception toward the repotlg &mar functions as a symbol of social status. Physical factor that is related to the land use is the land height seen from the surface level and the slope of the slanting
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAssociation among the Economic Factors, Social and Cultural and Physical Factor of the Land Area with the Optional Land use in the Buffer Zone of National Park (A Case Study at the Western Part of South Bukit Barisan National Park, West Lampung)id
dc.title.alternativeIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id

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