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dc.contributor.authorDewi, Ratna Sari
dc.description.abstractBroad-spectrum synthetic pesticides which can cause some undesirable side effects, are commonly used by Jatropha curcas farmer. Thus, safe and effective alternatives need to be developed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of extracts of three plant species, i.e. Piper retrofractum (fruits, direct extraction with ethyl acetate [EtOAc]), Tephrosia vogelii (leaves, direct extraction with EtOAc), and A. indica (seeds, sequential extraction with n-hexane, EtOAc, and methanol), to control Paracoccus marginatus and Tetranychus sp. on J. curcas. Based on LC50 and LC95 values, in general all test extracts were slightly more toxic to P. marginatus and Tetranychus sp. in the tests with residue-on-glass method than with leaf-residue method. In leaf-residue tests, P. retrofractum extract was about 3.3 to 8 times more toxic to P. marginatus (LC50 0.12%) and 1.3 to 21 times more toxic to Tetranychus sp. (LC50 0.22%) than the other test extracts. In residue-on-glass tests, P. retrofractum extract was about 2 to 6.8 times more toxic to P. marginatus (LC50 0.12%) and 6.8 to 11.7 times more toxic to Tetranychus sp. (LC50 0.18%) than the other test extracts. In greenhouse experiments on potted J. curcas, the treatment with P. retrofractum extract reduced the population of P. marginatus by 92.8% compared with control and that of Tetranychus sp. by 98%. This population reduction was better than or comparable with that in the treatment with a synthetic insecticide imidacloprid (78% and 94.7% reduction, respectively). The pest population reduction in the treatment with T. vogelii hexane A. indica extracts was much lower than that in the treatment with
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKeefektifan ekstrak tiga jenis tumbuhan terhadap Paracoccus marginatus dan Tetranychus sp. pada tanaman jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.)id

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