Pdicy Development of Cleaner Production Based Small Enterprises. A Case Study in fapioka, Tannin Leather and Batik Processing Small Industries
This research was conducted to construct a model of development @icy for small enterprises which based on cleaner production, and able to integrate three aspects: economic, social and environment. The importance of environmental managemeni issues in globalizath era induced fhis objective. This research was carried out through system approach by using several methods, such as: Statistical inference, SAST (Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing), SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis; MEP (Measurement Environment Performance) and AHP (Analytical Hieramhy Pnxess) as comprehensive analytical technique fo design appropriate public policy. Field survey combined with consolidated opinrbn of stakeholders. throush focus gmup discussions had produced basic essumpfions and strategic prionfy in developing policy for small enterprrses. This research indicated that most small enterpn'ses did not fully concern on the cleaner production principles. Therefore, the @icy model called SUKLiS was developed as clusfering of gmups of similar small enterprises which produce indifferent waste, and the management based on lndusfrial E d q y concept. The SUKLiS model also indudes strengthening competency of the responsible small scale enterprises on the pollution contrd, environmental quality enhancement and proactive technical regulation along with profective actions. Incentive mechanism should be introduce for small enfeipn'ses and other instifuths which is applying successfully cleaner production progmm. Community participation improvement as well as policy coordination supported by infomatrbn exchanges among stakeholders was recommended.