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Bioecological of Mud Crabs (Scyllaspp.) in mangrove ekosistem of Subang Regency, West Java

dc.contributor.advisorBengen, Dietriech G.
dc.contributor.advisorAffandi, Ridwan
dc.contributor.advisorWresdiyati, Tutik
dc.contributor.advisorSupriatna, Iman
dc.contributor.authorSiahainenia, Laura
dc.description.abstractPenelitian Aspek bioekologi kepiting bakau (Scylla spp.) dilakukan di wilayah perairan mangrove Desa Blanakan, Tanjung Laut dan Mayangan, Kabupaten Subang Jawa Barat, sejak Januari 2005 sampai Agustus 2006. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi tentang struktur populasi, performa reproduksi, potensi reproduksi, evaluasi efektivitas ablasi tangkai mata dan distribusi kepiting bakau berdasarkan karakteristik habitat lingkungannya. Evaluasi hasil pengamatan struktur morfologis dan anatomis menggunakan alanalisa deskriptif. Pengamatan aspek ekologi dilakukan secara in situ dengan metode pengambilan sampel line plot transect. Sedangkan pengamatan aspek biologi reproduksi dilakukan melalui percobaan pembenihan secara terkontrol di tambak dan di laboratorium dengan perlakuan ablasi tangkai mata. Eksplorasi jaringan tangkai mata kepiting bakau dilakukan dengan metode histokimia, untuk menjamin keberhasilan
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was to collect data and information concerning population structure, reproduction performance, reproduction potency, evaluation of eyestalk ablation and distribution of mud crabs based on the characteristics of their environment habitat. The research was carried out since January 2005 to August 2006. Observation on the morphology and anatomy used descriptive method. The ecological aspect was done in situ using line plot transect method. In the meantime, the aspect of biological reproduction was carried out through a controlled seed experiment in pond and laboratory with treatment of eyestalk ablation. Exploration of eyestalk tissue of mud crabs was performed with the method of histochemistry to assure the success of ablation. The result showed that not only the morphology of different mud crab species but also the morphology and anatomy of crabs with different sexes. The mud crabs from different research stations indicated differences in terms of the population rate. The width of the carapace and minimum and maximum weight of mud crabs caught were different from one species to another.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleBioteknologi kepiting bakau (Scylla spp.) di ekosistem mangrove Kabupaten Subang Jawa Baratid
dc.titleBioecological of Mud Crabs (Scyllaspp.) in mangrove ekosistem of Subang Regency, West Java
dc.subject.keywordpupulation structure
dc.subject.keywordreproduction performance
dc.subject.keywordreproduction potency
dc.subject.keyworddistribution of mud crabs
dc.subject.keywordWest Java

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