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Improvement of the meat productivity of mule ducks by the establish of female line

dc.contributor.authorSuparyanto, Agus
dc.description.abstractCrossing two strains of local duck strains with the Pekin duck was conducted to develop two candidate female lines to be crossed with the muscovy duck. The resulting interspecies hybrid is expected to produce a mule duck showing excellent body size, growth rate and feed efficiency. Also other important carcass traits such as breast width and depth, length of thighs and legs solid white plumage preferred by the consumer. The research was conducted at the Research Institute of Animal Production (RIAP), Ciawi. Two strains of local ducks were crossed with the Pekin drake and then to be crossed with the muscovy duck to produce mule ducks. The research was conducted in two phases. The first was crossing the Pekin x Alabio (PA) and Pekin x white Mojosari (PM) ducks producing two candidate female lines. The second phase was crossing the PA and PM ducks with the muscovy ducks by Artificial Insemination (AI). This will produce the EPA and EPM mule
dc.description.abstractPersilangan dua galur itik local dengan itik pekin dilakukan untuk menghasilkan dua calon galur induk yang berprestasi baik untuk dikawinkan dengan entog. Persilangan antara galur induk dengan entog diharapkan menghasilkan mandalung yang memiliki penampilan tubuh (performa) besar, pertumbuhan cepat dan efisien dalam penggunaan pakan. Disamping itu dilihat pula sifat pokok lainnya seperti berdada lebar dan dalam, paha yang panjang sebagai sumber utama daging itik, warna bulu penutup tubuh dan kulit putih polos yang merupakan selera
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePeningkatan produktivitas daging itik mandalung melalui pembentukan galur indukid
dc.titleImprovement of the meat productivity of mule ducks by the establish of female lineen

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