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Carrying capacity analysis of awarange bay for milkfish culture development in floating net cages

dc.contributor.advisorDahuri, Rokhmin
dc.contributor.advisorKaswadi, Richardus F.
dc.contributor.advisorBangen, Dietriech G.
dc.contributor.advisorSoedharma, Dedi
dc.description.abstractDaya dukung lingkungan perairan akan menentukan kapasitas alokasi sumberdaya untuk pemanfaatan dan pengembangannya secara berkelanjutan. Budidaya bandeng dalam keramba jarring apung (KJA) merupakan sistem produksi ikan yang produktif, namun potensial berdampak negative terhadap lingkungan perairan akibat beban limbah yang dihasilkan dan dapat berpengaruh terhadap sistem produksi budidaya. Keberlanjutan produksi budidaya sangat ditentukan oleh daya dukung lingkungan.
dc.description.abstractCarrying capacity is the most important role in improving the quality of management decision-making of resources allocation on marine fish farming. Survey method was used in this study to evaluate the biophysical quality of Awarange Bay and to determine the suitable area of milkfish marine farming development. A mass balance model has been used to estimate the rate of waste load by cultivated milkfish, based on the data of milkfish feed, feces and carcass proximate analysis as well as on feed conversion ratio, nutrient retention, digestibility, fish biomass and total mass of particulate organic matter.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis daya dukung lingkungan perairan Teluk Awarange Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan bagi pengembangan budidaya bandeng dalam keramba jaring apungid
dc.titleCarrying capacity analysis of awarange bay for milkfish culture development in floating net cages

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