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The dynamics of interstitial meiofaunal community in the Dompak Strait Waters, Riau Archipelago

dc.contributor.advisorSoedharma, Dedi
dc.contributor.advisorWardiatno, Rusli
dc.contributor.advisorSanusi, Harpasis S.
dc.description.abstractTujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis dan menentukan variabilitas spasial dan temporal parameter fisika-kimia perairan dan komunitas meiofauna interstisial (jumlah genus dan kelimpahan individu), pola distribusi horizontal dan vertikal, serta menentukan genus spesifik di berbagai tipe habitat (site specific genus). Kemudian, menganalisis dan mengungkapkan peranan tipe habitat, kedalaman sedimen, musim dan interaksinya serta peranan padang lamun dalam menentukan jumlah genus dan kelimpahan individu meiofauna interstisial di perairan laut. Di samping itu, menganalisis dan menentukan parameter paling berpengaruh terhadap dinamika komunitas meiofauna interstisial di perairan laut, serta menganalisis dan menentukan tingkat kesamaan atau perbedaan dan pola pengelompokan komunitas meiofauna interstisial di perairan Selat Dompak. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini memberikan kejelasan ilmiah tentang dinamika komunitas meiofauna interstisial di ekosistem yang berbeda (padang lamun, mangrove dan bare area), serta peranan parameter fisika-kimia perairan terhadap dinamika komunitas meiofauna interstisial pada perairan laut. Pengaruh dominan diantara parameter tersebut terhadap dinamika komunitas meiofauna interstisial sampai saat ini belum terjawab secara tuntas untuk perairan tropis, khususnya perairan Indonesia baik secara spasial maupun
dc.description.abstractA study on the dynamics of interstitial meiofaunal community in the different ecosystems have been carried out in the Dompak Strait waters (Riau Archipelago). This study were investigated on different four seasons throughout a year, from May 2005 to April 2006. Based on the site assessments, six sampling site (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and C) were chosen to represent research sites. In each sampling site, sediment samples were taken from three sampling points. The sediment was extracted by means of PVC cores (Ø = 5 cm), in which six layers were separated (i.e. 0–5 cm, 5–10 cm, 10–15 cm, 15–20 cm, 20–25 cm and 25–30 cm). The meiofaunal were extracted by using swirl-decantation method, elutria tion method, and sieving method. Specimen were preserved and stained for observation and identification. The data on interstitial meiofauna were analyzed statistically th rough calculates of abundance, diversity index, evenness index, t-test, Anova test, Euclidean distance, and cluster analysis. One-way and two-way nested analysis of variance (Anova) test were used to determine the significance of interstitial meiofaunal differences between sites, between strata and between seasons. Regression analysis were used to investigate relationships between interstitial meiofauna with environmental parameters. Anova and regression analysis were run using the software SPSS 11.5.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDinamika komunitas meiofauna intertisial di perairan Selat Dompak Kepulauan Riauid
dc.titleThe dynamics of interstitial meiofaunal community in the Dompak Strait Waters, Riau Archipelago
dc.subject.keywordsite specific genus
dc.subject.keywordmangrove habitats
dc.subject.keywordbare area habitas
dc.subject.keywordhabitat types

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