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A study on stability and operational safety of South Sulawesi pole in liner in beam seas

dc.contributor.authorFarhum, Siti Aisyah
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas kualitas unjuk kerja kapal pole and line di laut berdasarkan dimensi dan bentuk badan kapal serta karakteristik perairan tempat kapal dioperasikan. Analisis dilakukan terhadap data spesifikasi kapal dari tiga daerah tempat pembuatan kapal, yaitu kabupaten Luwu, kabupaten Sinjai dan kotamadya Pare Pare dan data spesifikasi tiga perairan yaitu Selat Makassar, Teluk Bone dan Laut Flores dengan menggunakan analisis numerik dan simulasi berdasarkan perhitunganperhitungan naval architecture. Dari kajian ini diketahui bahwa, kapal pole and line sampel dari tiga daerah di Sulawesi Selatan memiliki karakteristik yang sama, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai probability plot coefficient of fineness dan rasio dimensi utama yang berdistribusi normal dengan nilai P-Value > 0.05, dengan empat bentuk badan kapal yaitu round sharp bottom, round flat bottom, U-V bottom dan round
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the research is to analyze stability performance of South Sulawesi pole and liner based on its dimensions, hull forms and oceanographi c conditions on its fishing ground. The object of the research are wooden fishing boats from three different locations in South Sulawesi, i.e. Kabupaten Luwu, Kabupaten Sinjai and Kotamadya Pare Pare and three fishing grounds, which are the Strait of Makassar, Gulf of Bone and the Flores Sea. The numerical analysis and simulation based on naval architecture formulas have been used in this research. The results show that all boats from three different locations with its hull form of round sharp bottom, round flat bottom, U-V bottom and round bottom have the same characteristics. Its probability plot coefficient of fineness and main dimension ratio are normally distributed with P-Value > 0.05.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian stabilitas dan keselamatan operasional kapal pole and line Sulawesi Selatan pada gelombang beam seasid
dc.titleA study on stability and operational safety of South Sulawesi pole in liner in beam seasen

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