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dc.contributor.authorHerman, Rachmat
dc.contributor.authorDuldjaman, Maman
dc.description.abstractTwenty one native rabbits oonsisted of 12 nales and 9 fenales, with body weight that varied from 1.00 to 1.70 kg for males and 1 -00 to 1.78 kg for females, mere killed a t the Faaul ty cf i?nimal S cienoe, Bogol: Ag~icutlu ral Univeltsity from Decemp;qr 19 82 to February 1983. Carcasos &at were yielded from those animals were c lt to be hindlegs, l ~ i n ,th orax plus neck, and forelegs. '!The cuts \;,e;r. dissected t o be meat (muscle plus fat) and bone. Based a? those cuts, the praportim of 2 cuts of hindlegs, one cut of l o ~ r ~2 ,O LLof : thorax plus neck and 2 cuts of f c r ~ l e g s <~cr';snouth, -! 77;; --rere 2s tixa ted. Node1 y = a xb, analysis of c o ~ v a r r i ~ omee re used to study the effect of sex on the weight of cuts (y) at the sane carcass ;wight (x)* The 2esults showed that the averaqe body height of ale^, fem;~kes and overdl of ;366, 1351 &ad 136G g y i ~ l ~ ethde col-c) carcae weight, # . of 643, 634 and 639 g? ':aspectiv.:~y, TI.? PA-: - of cuts, l e f t and ri&t hindlegs, l o b , l e f t and right thorax plur, neck a ~ lde f t and zight fore Lea were 19,853~ 22.16, 11.76 an& 7.280/0 for males, 20.14, 22.03, lA.9 and 7.33% for females and 20.00, 22,10, 11.68 and 7a3C76 for overall, The average proportions of neat and bone for overall were 82344 and 16,5696 for hindlegs, 89.61 and 10,37/s for loin, 76.42 and 23,580/0 for thorax plus neck and 82,2/? and 17.77% for forelegs, respectively. me effect of sex on the weight of the cuts at the some carcasc weight: 7 ; s cot
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.8 No.1
dc.titleIriasan Komersial Karkas Kelinci dan Proporsi Dagingnyaid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan, Tahun 1983, Vol.8 No.1

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