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dc.contributor.authorPambudy, R.
dc.contributor.authorRahadian, D.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this search was to understand the entrepreneuis behavior, the group's productivity, and how they ue progressing with sheep farmers in Garut, based on information from the beginner group farmers, extention, a d medium. Populatlom group consisted of 131 beginner group farmers, 23 extention group farmers and 3 medium group farmem. Samplm w m rhoonen baaed on stratified random wnplink 1 group, from each class consisted of 20 farmers. The data analyzed uring deaaiptive analysis and Spearman's rank corelation analysis. The results show that the entrepreneurial behavior on farmers experience of the beginner's clasr ir 8S0/o with 'low* categmy, entreprendal mental behavior is 80% with the "regular" category and the member's skill is 55e/~, still in * 1 6 category. The overall productivity value of the beginner's class is placed in the "regular" category (64.42%). Spearman's corelation nnL test r h m that corelation between the entrepreneur experiene and the groups productivity is not significant (rs = 0.124 and p = 0.602), the corelation between mental behavior and group productivity was significant (rs = 0.437 and plO.054). And the corelation between skill .nd the group's productivity was very significant (rs - 0.645 and p = 0.002). Entrepreneur behavior of extention group was nearly (9S0/0) "medium" category, mental behavior was "medium" (BOO/o), and entnprenewial skill was "medium" (70%). The overall productivity value was classified as "good" category (83.36%))S. peiunun1s rank corelation test shows that corelation between entrepreneurial experience and group productivity was very significant (rs = 0.743 and p = 0.000), corelation between mental behavior and group productivity was not significant (m = 0.190 and p = O.423), and corelation between skill and group productivity was not significant (rs = -0.284 and p = 0.255). In the medium group, most members had entrepreneurial experience in "medium" category, entrepreneurial mental behavior in I "medium" category, respectively 50%. For entrepreneur's skill, the members were in the "medium" category (45%). The overall 1 productivity value for medium class was classified in the "high" category (W/O). Speumur's rank corelation t a t in thb group claw showed that the difference between entrepreneur experience and group productivity was not significant (m = Om and p = 0.390). I Mental behavior and group productivity are significantly tested at level $ = 0.20 (rs = 0.380 and p = 0.098, and the skill of the I groups are significant (rs = 0519 and p = 0.019)id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.25 No.3
dc.titleHubungan Prilaku Wirausaha Peternak dengan Produktivitas Kelompok Peternak Domba Garutid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan Vol.25 No.3

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