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dc.contributor.authorSofyan, Lily Amalia
dc.description.abstractThe water content of ruminal fluid of sheep was estimated from twenty four samples, using ;;oventl and toluen methods. Ruminal fluid was collected from sheep that were given a ration consis-ced ,)f 1 % MES dried cassava, 4 % l1.::·Sc l.rC''U dried cassava weight, 5 g bone meal, ;.;c.l t.. Pennisetum P1L:'12u!.:,;~ YiaS g::' '.Te:, e.g, 1ibi~. The effect of those methods was compared by usinG t:· t2:t. -::11e result showed that the water content was 96.54 % for Hoven;; method and 96.10 % for toluen method, respectively. The water content using the toluen method was highly Significantly lower than that using the lIoven" methuJ. (rLo ,01~ .id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.8 No.1
dc.titlePerbedaan Nyata Hasil Pengukuran Kadar Air Cairan Rumen dengan Metoda Toluen dan Metoda "Oven"id
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan, Th.1983, Vol.8 No.1

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