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dc.contributor.authorKarmita M.
dc.contributor.authorNoor, R.R.
dc.contributor.authorFarajallah, A.
dc.description.abstractThe experiment was conducted in order to detect the purity of Bali cattle by examining the hemoglobin tape patterns ontained from Isoelectric focusing methods. The blood samples were taken from five Bali catle from Bali, three bali cattle from West Nusa Tenggara, two Brangus cattle from Tapos, three Limousin and three Simmental catles from Australia reared at Balai Inseminasi Buatan Singosari, Malang. Tetrametric hemoglobin and globin subunit sample preparation were used. The results indicate that out of eight Bali caHle reared at Balai Inseminasi Buatan Singosarl, four of them are not pure. Sample No. 3 which is Bali cattle from NTB had j3A (IIAl pAt) tape instead of ~ Ball, Samples No.4 and 7 which are Bali cattle from Bali has liB instead fo ~-, and sample No.9 which is Bali cattle from NTB has no ~ Bali, but has IIA. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the bulls have contaminated the purity of Bali caHle in the basic population, including at Bali island. The used of tetrametric hemoglobin method for testing the purity of Bali cattle using isoelctric focusing methods show a better result and more efficient when compared to subunit globin methodid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.24 No.3
dc.titlePengujian Kemurnian Sapi Bali dengan Menggunakan Metode Isoelektrik Focusingid
dc.title.alternativeMedian Peternakan Vol.24 No.3

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