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dc.contributor.authorJahi, Amri
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study was to deter.nine (1) reader characteristics of '~Poultry Indonesia" magazine, (2 )kind of articles that they read, (3) their motivation to read "Poultry Indonesia!! magazi..l1e, (4) the relationship of motivation and readi..'1g frequency of "poul try Indonesia" magazine, and (5) the relationship of reader characteristics and reading frequency of rlpoultry Indonesia" magazine. Result of the stud;)r indicated tne male, yOth'1g a(3€, completed senior high school, have no job, have no poultry, living in the city, frequently speaking, innovatif, and not as member of organization were dominance characteristics of reader of :lpoultr-.r Indonesiai : • Ilmiah populer, laporan khusus, laporan utarna, and opini were kind of articles that read by apoul try Indonesiall r8ader. Motivation to read IlPoultry Indonesiall were : to increased lmowledge, to lmew poultry innovat. on, to seek the news, to increased knowledge skill, and seek materials for discussion. The relationship of motivation, spea..'l(ing habit, innovativeness and reading frequency of "Poultry Indonesia!: were very significant. The relationship of level of education and reading frequency, and the relationship of membership on ort;anization and readi...'1g frequency of !'Poultry Indonesia" were
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHubungan Beberapa Karakteristik Pembaca "Poultry Indonesia" di Kabupaten dan Kotamadya Bogor dan Frekuensi Mereka Membaca Majalah Tersebutid

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