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dc.contributor.authorSudono, Adi
dc.contributor.authorMakin, Mochamad
dc.contributor.authorNuraini, Made
dc.description.abstractA study of progeny test was carried out on five dairy farm enterprises in west and Middle Java, in order to test the superiority of 25 Holatein Friesian bulls that were used for all program. The study was based an 2232 milk production records of 1219 heads of was from 1971 to 1982. The progeny test was done based on Contemporary Comparison (CC) method. The result showed that CC values of 17 bulls were positive and that of 8 bulls were negative. The CC values varied from -330.33 kg to +1050.75 kg, and four bulls had high superiority. There was no significant difference between to average of milk production of AI of springs (3056+- 621.5) and of non AI off springs (2991.50+-492.5 kg). This result was due to the frozen semen that was imported to Indonesia derived from the bulls which the average of milk production of their off springs in their origin country was 3500 kg per lactation period. Where as in Indonesia there were some dairy farms produced milk which the average of 4500 kg per lactation period. There was no a significant rank correlation between the degree of superiority of bulls in their origin country
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleUji Zuriat Pejantan Sapi Perah Fries Holland dan Pengaruh Inseminasi Buatan Terhadap Daya Produksi Susu di Beberapa Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perahid
dc.title.alternativeMedia Peternakan No.12, Th.1987

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