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dc.contributor.authorRetnaningsih, C.
dc.contributor.authorNoor, Zuheid
dc.contributor.authorMarsono, Y.
dc.description.abstractHypoglycemic properties of soybean protein were evdueted in dloxanjnduced diabetic rats. Twenly eight mslure mde Spregue Dawley (SD) rats (250300gJ were used and dMded into four p p s of seven d s . They wen: 1) Placebo Standevd (PS); 2) AUoxan injecth Standerd (AS); 3) A l l m injectiomoybecn protein 250% (APK 250) dm 4) Alloxm l~ection-soybecnp rodein #I%! (APK 100). One p u pw as injected with aquabidesf (Placebo) and three p p s were diabedk induced by dbxan Injection (80 mgKg of weight by inframusculav injection). PlaceMtandd (PS) and Alloxan injedion-Stand~(A~S ) pups were fed standerd diet whereas APK 250 and APK 100 were fed soybean protein diet fbr 42 days. Concentration of serum glucose was determined b e h injection (0 day.) and 1,7, 14,21,28,35 and 42, days Mer injection. The result showed thal alloxan injection increased the leva of sewn @me. Bioassay experiment demonstrated that diet on high concentration of soybean protein (25096) decreased the level of seturn $ucose from 351,44 mddl to 230,62 mgy'dl(34,37'??) while soy protein 100% decreaped the level of serum glucose frwn 404,513 mg'dl to 175,08 mgldl(56,72??). On the ofher h d , stand& diet were &led to decmsed the level of senrm
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XII No.2
dc.titleSifat Hipoglisemik Pakan Tinggi Protein Kedelai pada Model Diabetik Induksi Alloxanid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.XII No.2, Th.2001

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