Browsing Media Peternakan by Title
Now showing items 72-91 of 277
Habitat dan performans ayam hutan di Indonesia
(1987)In Sumatera and Sulawesi only the red jungle fowl was found, but both thev red and the green jungle fowl were found in Jawa, Bali and Lombok. A clear difference was observed in the selection of habitat between the red and ... -
Hematology profile of Rattus norvegicus infected by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and fed probiotics
(2011)In Indonesia, diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in children after ISPA (Acute Respiratory Infection). This study aimed to test the ability of probiotic, Lactobacillus plantarum 2C12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus ... -
Herbage Production and Quality of Shrub Indigofera Treated by Different Concentration of Foliar Fertilizer
(2010)A fi eld experiment on fodder legume Indigofera sp. was conducted to investigate the effects of foliar fertilizer concentration on forage yield and quality, and to identify optimum concentrations among the fertilizer ... -
Hubungan Beberapa Karakteristik Pembaca "Poultry Indonesia" di Kabupaten dan Kotamadya Bogor dan Frekuensi Mereka Membaca Majalah Tersebut
(1988)The objective of the study was to deter.nine (1) reader characteristics of '~Poultry Indonesia" magazine, (2 )kind of articles that they read, (3) their motivation to read "Poultry Indonesia!! magazi..l1e, (4) the relationship ... -
Hubungan Prilaku Wirausaha Peternak dengan Produktivitas Kelompok Peternak Domba Garut
(2002)The purpose of this search was to understand the entrepreneuis behavior, the group's productivity, and how they ue progressing with sheep farmers in Garut, based on information from the beginner group farmers, extention, ... -
Identification of Genetic Diversity of Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR/Alu I) Gene in Bali Cattle (e-Journal)
(2010)Growth hormone receptor (GHR) is one factor aff ecting animal growth. GHR is required by growth hormone (GH) to carry out its eff ects on target tissues. The objective of the study was to estimate genetic diversity of the ... -
Identifikasi Bakteri dari Ayam Buras yang Menderita Perkejuan di Jonggol Jawa Barat
(1988)Thirty tm smples of native chikens used i n this investigation were obtained from around Jonggol, West Java. Amies transport and Ellueller Hinton media. were used for preservation and antibiotic test, The species of bacteria ... -
Identifikasi Bakteri Patogen dari Tinja Anak Sapi yang Menderita Diare
(1988)SpeciI351~ were collect ed fmm aoxnd Cian jur district, vest Java, 30 were taken from calf diarrhoea. Anies transport and bIueller Hinton nedia were used for preservation and antibiotic t e s t . The species of bacteri ... -
Identifikasi Gen Babi Melalui Runutan Klon cDNA Ovari
(1996)An expriment was conducted to sequence porcine ovary full-length cDNA clone. Ten clones were sequenced and randomly selected for DNA homology. It showed high similarity to human Expression Sequence Tag (ESTs). The sequence ... -
Identifikasi Genetik Menggunakan Marker Mikrosatelit dan Hubungannya dengan Sifat Kuantitatif pada Sapi
(2007)The occurrence of genetic changes in Bali and Brangus cattle crossing and it’s relationship to quantitative traits (e.g. growth and birth weight) were identified using microsatellite markers. Sixteen microsatellite loci ... -
Implementasi Quality Function Deployment dalam Peningkatan Manajemen Mutu
(2002)The Purposes of this researdr are: (1) to learning implementation of quality management at Milk Treatment KPBS Pangalengiw (2) to identifying influence factors of milk pasteurization quality and implementing of quality ... -
Improvement of Murrah Buff alo Milk Production Fed Palm Oil Solid Waste Containing Ration
(2010)A field trial was conducted to study the eff ect of dietary inclusion of palm oil solid waste on milk production of murrah buff alo raised under palm oil plantation. Two farms from diff erent districts were involved in ... -
In Vitro Methane Emission and Rumen Fermentation of Hay Diet Contained Purifi ed Tannins at Low Concentration
(2009)This experiment was conducted to study the effects of addition of purifi ed tannins at low concentration into hay diet on in vitro gas emission and rumen fermentation. Treatments consisted of: P0 (control hay), P1 (hay + ... -
Increasirg Laying Performances and Egg Vitamin A Content Through Zinc Oxide and Phytase Enzyme Supplementation
(2005)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan perfoman ayam petelur dan kandungan vitamin A dalam telur ayam yang diproduksi dari ayam yang diberi ransum berkadar asam fitat tinggi yang berasal dari dedak padi. Penelitian ... -
Induksi Superovulasi dengan Kombinasi CIDR, Hormon FSH dan hCG pada Induk Sapi Potong
(2006)The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of superovulation treatment using combination of CIDR, FSH and hCG in beef cattle as donor embryos using MOET programme. All animals had been palpated to evaluated the ovary ... -
Inkorporasi Kromium pada Khamir dan Kapang dengan Substrat Dasar Singkong yang Diberi Kromium Anorganik
(2006)Organic-chromium (Cr) has higher availability for animals than inorganic-Cr sources. One of organic-Cr sources known is fungi contained high Cr. This organic-Cr was incorporated to fungi protein. Information about the best ... -
Iriasan Komersial Karkas Kelinci dan Proporsi Dagingnya
(1983)Twenty one native rabbits oonsisted of 12 nales and 9 fenales, with body weight that varied from 1.00 to 1.70 kg for males and 1 -00 to 1.78 kg for females, mere killed a t the Faaul ty cf i?nimal S cienoe, Bogol: Ag~icutlu ... -
Isolation and characterization of characterization of carbohydrases in beef cattle rumen liquor from abattoir
(2010)The aims of this experiment were to identify carbohydrases in rumen liquor of cale, and to determine optimum temperature and pH of enzymes, as well as to evaluate the eff ect of metal ions and chemical substances on enzymes ... -
Kajian antibakteri temulawak, jahe dan bawang putih terhadap Salmonella lyphimuriam serta pengaruh bawang putih terhadap performans dan respon imun ayam pedaging
(2005)This research was condrrcted to investigate the antibacterial activity ofpowder oftemulalvalq ginger and garlic to S.q'phintriunwrngmodified agar well method. heliminary study strowed ttrat garlic porvder had the best ...