Browsing Media Peternakan by Title
Now showing items 20-39 of 277
Cadmium absorption in native chicken fed rice bran
(2008)Phytate is commonly found in high concentration in rice bran. This compound can bind multivalency ions. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of rice bran in native chicken diet on Cd absorption. Twenty four ... -
Carcass Composition and Cholesterol Content of Broiler Chicken Suffered from Diarrhea and Fed Bay Leaf Meal (Syzygium polyanthum Wight)
(2008)Diarrhea is one of diseases in broiler chicken. Antibiotics are usually used to cure the disease. However, there are many risks caused by the use of antibiotic in poultry industries for human health. The risks are carcinogenic ... -
The Change of Liver Malonaldehyde (MDA), Relative Weight of Bursa Fabricius and Heterophyl Lymphocite Ratio (H/L) of Heat-Stressed Broilers
(2009)The objective of the research was to determine the infl uences of heat stress and temperature-exposed time on liver malonaldehyde (MDA), relative weight of bursa fabricius and heterophil/lymfocite ratio of broilers. The ... -
Characterization of partial coding region fibroin gene on wild silkmoth Cricula trifenestrata Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
(2011)The study was conducted to characterize coding region of wild silkmoth C. trifenestrata partial fibroin gene, and detect these gene potential as molecular marker. A total of six larvae C. trifenestrata were collected from ... -
Chemical Characteristics and Biological Value of Protein Concentrate from Palm Kernel Meal Using Physical and Chemical Extraction
(2008)The experiment was conducted to evaluate chemical characteristics and biological value of protein concentrate extracted from palm kernel meal (PKM) using combination of physical and chemical extraction. The best method of ... -
Chemical Composition Response of Cocoa Pod Incubated with Phanerochaete chrysosporium on Manganese and Calcium Supplementation
(2009)Bioconversion is a method to increase quality of high lignocellulose-containing feedstuffs. Fermentation occurs during bioconversion is infl uenced primarily by length of fermentation and mineral supplementation to the ... -
The Chemical Composition, in Vitro Nutrient Degradation and Methane Gas Production of Tropical Grasses Preserved with Silage and Hay Methods
(2008)Six grass species (Pennisetum purpureum, Pennisetum purpureophoides, Sorghum sudanense, Brachiaria brizantha, Imperata cylindrica, and Panicum maximum) were harvested at 49 days and preserved as silage or as hay. Samples ... -
Chromium Incorporation by Ganoderma lucidum with Oil Palm by-Product as Substrate
(2010)The aim of this study was to determine the eff ective Cr (chromium) level for Ganoderma lucidum growth in solid state fermentation of oil palm by-product. Treatments were combination of Cr level (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, ... -
Citric Acid and Microbial Phytase Inclusion in The Diet to Improve Utilization Phytate Phosporus and Growth of Broiler
(2004)Penelitian ini menggunakan anak ayam umur 3 sampai dengan 38 hari (180 ekor) dan 7 sampai dengan 42 hari (180 ekor). Ayam diberi ransum A, B, dan C yang berbahan dasar jagung (CSM) dan ransum E, F, dan G yang berbahan dasar ... -
Compensatory growth and production efficiency of broiler chickens exposed to feeding time restriction
(2011)The present study was designed to investigate the effect of feeding time restriction on compensatory growth and production efficiency of broiler chickens. Four hundred of 7 days-old unsexed broiler chicken of Lohmann ... -
Condensed Tannin Effects on Nitrogen Digestion in Ruminants: A Meta-analysis from in Vitro and in Vivo Studies
(2010)Statistical meta-analysis approach was conducted to quantify the eff ect of a wide range of dietary condensed tannin (CT) concentration on nitrogen digestion in ruminants. A total of 19 studies from published papers and ... -
Contamination level of Staphylococcus spp. in raw goat milk and associated risk factors
(2008)This study was aimed to investigate the presence of pathogenic bacteria in raw goat milk by using Staphylococcus spp. as indicator bacteria, and also to evaluate the potential risk factors associated with them. Information ... -
Dadih susu sapi hasil fermentasi berbagai starter bakteri probiotik yang disimpan pada suhu rendah: II. karakteristik fisik, organoleptik dan mikrobiologi
(2005)This research was conducted to investigate physical, organoleptical and microbiological charaaerisics ofdadih from cow milk fermented with different combinarions ofprobiotic starter bacteria and stored at low ternperature. ... -
Dadih susu sapi hasil fermentasi berbagai starter bakteri probiotik yang disimpan pada suhu rendah: karakteristik kimiawi
(2004)This experiment was designed to improve quality of dadih in a process which was more controlled. The use of cow milk was to replace buffalo milk utilization due to its availability was very limited; the use of probiotic ... -
Daun Acasia sebagai Bahan Makanan Ternak DItinjau dari Kadar Protein, Asam Amino dan Pengadaannya
(1985)TPle study on leaves of 21 species of acacia, showed that crude protein content varied from 13 to 32 percent. 'Ihe number of amino acid tended to increase with the increase in crude protein content. The prussic acid contents ... -
Daya Pintal dan Kekuatan Benang Bulu Domba Priangan dan Peranakan Merino
(2006)Priangan sheep is a native sheep of Indonesia and considered as a hair sheep. Its main product is meat. Recently, the Priangan sheep is crossed with a Merino sheep to produce the Priangan–Merino crossbred. Since the Merino ... -
Desain Sistem Pakar untuk Kontrol Kualitas pakan
(2005)The objective feed Production process is to generate high quality of feed with parameters, such as good physical, nutrition characteristics, continuous. palatability and safety. lt is needed to support the optimum performance ... -
Designing Participatory Communication Approach for Small Farmers’ Empowerment
(2009)This article explores the result of preliminary study conducted in two years (2006-2007) for designing participatory communication approach for small farmers’ empowerment. For that purpose basic data and information, such ... -
Digestibility of Sheep Ration Containing Ammoniated Palm Oil Leaves Supplemented with Sulphur, Phospor, and Cassava Leaves
(2010)This research aimed to evaluate the effect of S, P minerals and cassava leaves supplementation on utilization of ammoniated palm oil leaves in rumen sheep. The research used randomized block design with fi ve rations as ... -
Dimensi Peran dalam Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Rakyat di Kawasan Timur Indonesia
(1994)Secara umum meskipun diakui peran gender (perempuan dan laki-Iaki) masing-masing penting, dalam prakteknya perempuan merupakan pihak yang kurang ben,mtung dibandingkan dengan laki-Iaki dalam berbagai aspek sosial. Penelitian ...