Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Rekayasa Sistem Rantai Pasokan Berbasis Jaringan Pada Bahan Baku Agroindustri Farmasi 

      Adiarni, Nunuk | Jamaran, Irawadi | Fauji, Anas M. | Marimin | Machfud | Rijal Sjarief (2007)
      The objecfrve of this 1lIS611rd! was /0 develop rhe nelloorl<-oosed IlIW wpply cham system for pharmaceutICal agmiflduslry thaI WOIJld be 80" 1:I1'IaIt;I5e' farmer's incomft and $UstainabUWy Under.well II .frstam. ...
    • Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Kakao Di Indonesia 

      Syam, Husain | Maarif, Mohamad Syamsul | Eriyatno | Sailah, Illah | Machfud | Didu, M.Said (2006)
      This research was conducted with system approach whidl aim to identify !he main components that important to cocoa-based agro-induslrial development strategy. Factors. actors. and goals of cocoa-based agro-industrial ...