Browsing Buletin Keteknikan Pertanian by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 69
Disain dan Uji Teknis Mesin Permanen Padi Semi Mekanis
(1992)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendisain, membuat dan menguji coba mesin pemanen padi. Tipe mesin yang dirancang adalah mesin ketam lepas (reaper) semi mekanis. Pembuatan alat dilakukan di bengkel "Mekanisasi ... -
Rancangan dan Uji Performansi Prototipe Alat Pengupas Kacang Tanah Semi Mekanis
(1992)Di indonesia, kacang tanah mempunyai prospek yang baik. Salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan produksi kacang tanah adalah dengan cara meningkatkan efisiensi penangannan pasca panennya. Tujuan penelitian ini ... -
Pengembangann Paket Penunjang Keputusan untuk Penempatan Chipper di Areal Pembukaan Lahan Transmigrasi
(1997)This paper concerns with the development of a decision support package for chipper allocation at the transmigration land preparation area. It is intended to be used by chip entrepreneur on determining the most economical ... -
Penentuan Panas Laten Kakao
(1997)In most drying applications the latent heat is determined by considering the evaporation of free water as given in the steam tables. The use of these data for latent heat, especially with crops at a low moisture content, ... -
Pengaturan Suhu Rumah Tanaman dengan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy
(1997)Nowdays, greenhouse is becoming popular in tropical country for plant cultivations, which the main reason is fbrplant protection against unwanted distwbances i.e. from heevy rainfall, wind, pest and so on. Since most of ... -
Disain dan Uji Model Otomatisasi Proses Penjernihan Minyak Kelapa Sawit
(1997)Crude palm oil is one of export comodities of Indonesia. Theme, it is of crucial importance to improve the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) through the process of CPO production. This paper discusses the design and ... -
Pengaruh Laju Pembekuan dan Suhu Permukaan Bahan Terhadap Waktu Pengeringan Beku Daging Sapi Giling
(1997)Freeze drying of food materials is a time and energy consuming process, hence a high cost process. The drying rate is limited by heat and mass transfer process within the dried portion of the product. In order to improve ... -
Optimasi Pengelolaan Air pada Lahan Irigasi Pasang Surut Telang I, Sumatera Selatan
(1998)The increasing of food dem~~nudn d rnuintcrining the nulional .f;)od selj supporting progrun~ have become the govertnenf concenl. On the other .siclejirml 1cr11d convertion (especiully in Juvu und Buli) into non:firrtn ... -
Methane Emissions from Rice and Peat Soil and Contribution of Indonesia to Global Warming
(1998)Rice fields are considered to be among the highest sources of atmospheric methane, an important source of global warming. In order to meet the projected rice needs of the increasing world population, it is estimated that ... -
Penentuan Rasio Jenis (Cp/Cv) untuk Gas N2 dan H2
(1998)The ratio of specifc heat capacity, at constant presszrre to that at constant volume (cdc,J, of a gas can be determined by either the adiabatic expansion method or the sound velocity method. The objective of this experiment ... -
Analisis keandalan peralatan pengolahan kertas
(1998)The equipment that were bought @om the manufacturer would have the data of reliability for example, MTTF (Mean Time To Failure), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) or MTTR (Mean Time To Repair), however these data only valid ... -
Measurement of Transport Properties for The Dried Layer of Several Food Materials Udergoing Freeze-Drying
(1998)The transport properties of several food materials have beet? presented us ,fundc2.nzenial irfortnurion to determine the drying rate ofpeeze-drying process. As un exatrzple, the nleasuring method of thermal condtrctivity ... -
Measurement of Transport Properties for The Dried Layer of Several Food Materials Undergoing Freeze-Drying
(1998)The transport properties of several food materials have beet? presented as fundamental information to determine the drying rate freeze-drying process. As un example, the measuring method of thermal conductivity and ... -
Fluktuasi Kelembaban Tanah pada Budidaya Gogorancah
(1999)The yield of "Gogorancah" or gora (dry seeding rice cultivatiorl) system is affected by the availability of soil moisture in the root zone during ils growing season. This paper is subjected to evaluate Jluctuation of soil ... -
Satuan Areal Produksi (Saksi) Sebagai Wadah Usaha Pertanian untuk Penerapan Teknik Pertanian secara Optimum
(1999)Penerc~pun Teknik Pertunicm securu optimunz hertujzrun untlrk rnencipt~rkan kegiatun pertanian yang tanggzlh, yaitu pcrtcrniun .vtnlg diselenggurakan secara ejisien, efektij ~najub, erkclunjutun, herprodtrksi tinggi dulam ... -
Kinerja Pembersih Biji-Bijian Tanaman Pangan APB-M1 pada Pembersihan Jagung Pipilan
(1999)The research to evaluate perfornlance of grain cleaner APB-MI was conducted in the Research Institute for Maize and Other Cereals tit the beginning of 1998. Five engine circles were tested: 1200, 1350, 1500, I650 and 1800 ... -
Penerapan Sistem Pendinginan Evaporatif untuk Penanganan Pasca Panen Hasi Pertanian
(1999)Post harvest handling and treatment of agricultural prodz~ct is extremely important in maintaining all of the possible qzralify of the prodzilrct. Most of the product needs to be handled and treated at low temperature. ...