Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Allotransplantasi testis mencit muda sebagai upaya preservasi gonad in vivo 

      Prasetyaningtyas, Wahono Esthi | Mohamad, Kusdiantoro | Fahrudin, Mokhamad | Djuwita, Ita | Agungpriyono, Srihadi (2007)
      Cancer diseases are not detected only at adult but also at young age. One therapy for cancer diseases is chemotherapy and radiation, that give a side effect of infertility in the gonad, therefore, it is necessary to preserve ...
    • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Giant Gourami Vasa-Like cDNA 

      Alimuddin | Andriyani, Irma | Junior, Muhammad Zairin | Arfah, Harton | Octavera, Anna | Carman, Odang | Yoshizaki, Goro (2011)
      Molecular marker is useful in the development of testicular cells transplantation for detecting donor-derived germ cells in the recipient gonad. In this study, a giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) vasa-like gene (GgVLG) ...