Now showing items 1-10 of 678
Model Regresi Laten Pada Efek PlaseboLatent Regression Model on Placebo Effect.
Regression analysis models the relationship between response variables with one or more predictor variables. The complexity of the analysis will increase, when it involves latent predictors, which are unobserved. Regression ...
Algoritme LLL dan Aplikasinya dalam Pembongkaran Sistemkripto Knapsack Merkle-Hellman
LLL algorithm is an algorithm that can be used to determine an approximation of the shortest vector in a lattice. Size reduction algorithm is an important step of LLL algorithm. The LLL algorithm can be applied in many ...
Pemodelan Transaksi Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Hidden Markov
A customer transaction is one of the activities needed to establish a market. This event may happen at any time in a long time series and may be repeated in the future. If the causes of customer transactions are assumed ...
Pendugaan Fungsi Sebaran dalam Model Nonparametrik
Nonparametric statistics are alternative for parametric statistics whenever no assumptionis satisfied in parametric statistics, for example the distribution function is not identified. Nonparametric statistics are often ...
Construction of Group Laws on Elliptic Curves Upon F3mKonstruksi Hukum Grup Kurva Eliptik Atas F3m
Elliptic curves upon F3m can be divided in two cases, i.e. supersingular and nonsupersingular case. Based on group laws on elliptic curves, a new arithmetic upon F3m can be formulated as an addition process of two random ...
Flight Optimal Frequency of Some Airline Network DesignFrekuensi Penerbangan Optimal pada Beberapa Jaringan Penerbangan
To maximize profit, every airlines has special strategics. One of the strategics is to find the flight optimal frequency. This manuscript explains about how to determine the flight optimal frequency of direct network, hub ...
Knowledge Graph Theory to Summaries Indonesian Teks.Penggunaan Teori Knowledge Graph untuk Merangkum Teks Berbahasa Indonesia
A terminology may have many descriptions from different interpretation. Various descriptions of the terminology could result on an ambiguity of knowing the meaning of the terminology (interpretation). For that matter there ...
Optimum Control in Advertising ProblemKontrol Optimum pada Masalah Periklanan
Advertising is a form of communication and promotion of goods or services. It aims to convey the information in form of a message through the media and persuade that generate responses from audiences. A company must pay ...
Economic Forecasting Using Linear Rational Expectation ModelPeramalan Ekonomi dengan Model Ekspektasi Rasional Linear
Economic forecasting is an activity to predict the future using economic theory to provide a systematic explanation of the past, which is assumed to occur in the future. One of the models used in economic forecasting is ...
Penggunaan Metode Perturbasi Homotopi untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Aliran Fluida Sisko pada Pipa LurusThe Use of Homotopy Perturbation Method to Solve Problems of Sisko Fluid Flow in a Straight Pipe
Sisko fluid is a liquid, which has an important role in daily life as well as in industrial processes. A mathematical model to describe the flow velocity and shear stress of Sisko fluid is derived from the laws of mass and ...