Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Pengembangan granula ubi kayu yang disuplementasi dengan tepung kecambah kedelai
(Pangan Media Komunikasi dan Informasi, Perum Bulog, Jakarta, 2012)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk ganula ubi kayu dengan suplementasi tepung kecamhah kedelai. Dari analisis ragam didapatkari hasil bahwa granula ubi kayu yang disuplementasi dengan tepung kecambah kedelai ...
Review of Research Development on Environmental Odour in the Last Decade
(Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 2012)
The latest research development of environmental odour was reviewed in terms of the source and emission, the generated annoyance and health impact, detection and measurement systems, the most advanced abatement technologies ...
Komposisi Kimia Tepung Jagung Varietas Unggul Lokal dan Potensinya untuk pembuatan Mi Jagung Menggunakan Ekstruder Pencetak
(Jurnal Sain Terapan, Program Diploma IPB, 2012)
The objective of this researchis to identify the characteristic of Srikandi Kuning, Bisma, Sukmaraga, Lamuru and Arjuna varieties, and their potentions to be made as wet corn noodle. Corn noodles were processed using forming ...
Synthesis Of Zinc-Difattyalkyldithiocarbamates And Their Antioxidant Activities
Zinc-difattyalkyldithiocarbamates are organosulfur compounds with many functions, including as an antioxidant in a lubrication system. They were synthesized by reacting secondary fatty amine with ZnCl2 and CS2 giving result ...
Analisis Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Tanah Hasil Pengolahan Tanah Di Kebun Tebu Lahan Kering
(Fakultas Teknologi Induslri Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran (FTIP UNPAD) PERTETA Cabang Bandung dan Sekilarnya, dan PATRI Cabang Bandung, 2012)
Research was aimed to analyse the relationship of physical and mechanical soil tillage toward tractor operations. Descriptive observation using Four·wheel tractors and soit tillage implements were applied on upland area ...
Estimation of soil moisture in paddy field using Artificial Neural Networks
(IJARAI, 2012)
Abstract—In paddy field, monitoring soil moisture is required for irrigation scheduling and water resource allocation, management and planning. The current study proposes an Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model to estimate ...
Relationship between sensory attributes of bakasang (a traditional Indonesian fermented fish product) and its Physicochemical properties
(Fisheries Science Springer, 2012-01)
Estiation of water balance components in paddy fields under non-flooded irrigation regimes by using excel solver
(Asian Network For Scientific Information, 2012)
Estimating crop coefficient in Intermittent irrigation Paddy fields using excel solver
(Elsevier BV. All rights reserved, 2012)
The current study proprosec a novel method using Excel Solver to estimate, from limited, crop coefficient (Kc) in paddy fields under intermittent irrigation (II).
Increasing Soil Water Recharge With Storage Channel And "RORAK" To Increase Starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola L) Productivity (Case Study In Depok)
(Balai Irigasi, Puslitbang SDA, Badan Litbang, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, 2012-05)
Problem faced by star fruit farmers in Depok, West Java, is water availability relying only on rainfed. Therefore, research related to water conservation technique for optimum utilization of rain water and runoff at the ...