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dc.contributor.authorIntan, A.H.
dc.contributor.authorSa'id, E. Gumbira
dc.contributor.authorSaptono, I.T.
dc.description.abstractEmpowlerment ofsocial economic resource programs must be able to conduct public economy dvnamic ~,hichb e based at village or country town. These programs mzrst be able to achieve seven goals, such as rising public income and net export income: ,fbzrnding indzrstriul structure based on the strength of Small-Medium Enterprises;,founding thejoundation qf'economic transition to industrial age by developing,forces of agribusiness and agroindzrstrial systems; achieving global competitive advantage by increasing productivity, innovation, and <flective technology dissemination; increasing quality product as well as the global quality standards; and creating economic development to uttain strstainabilit?, of high economic activity and performance and keep sustainable qualit?, environment. Coir proce.rsing indu.strj~ is one of Indonesia is industrial sub sector which was identified having the abilit?, to achieve these goals. Several logical reasons are pointed out, such us that Indonesia has greatest coconut planted areas (uborrt 3.76 Million hectares or 31.4percetzt c?fcoconutplanted areas in the ~z~orlds)o, that Indonesia get 24.4 percent ofcoconut production shurc in the 11 orld. Contrast with coir export share, Indonesia has only about 0.6 percent (595 MT) qf'n~orlde xport market share. Until year 2000, Indonesia use only about 0.06 percent potential resozrrces oj'coir production. So that, The National Coir Indzrstry has strategic position and high prosj9ec. t uill be developed at the next time. This article discuss and describe several topics to support the Indonesian Coir Industry Development Program, szrch as mapping Coir lnd~rstriul Development Areas based on the potency of' coconut production and plated area; economic of industrial scales analysis, strzrcture of industrial development system, ,feasibility study (financial cmd economic unal~,si.s)A, nalysis of' Domestic Resources Cost, Domestic Resources Cost Ratio and Effective Rate Protection. Finalll: this article describe stated process of'coir indust? development strategy and stated stmtegy recommendation to
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Sabut Kelapa Nasionalid

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