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dc.contributor.authorKhomsan, Ali
dc.contributor.authorSukandar, Dadang
dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Djoko
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of the study were to analyze performanee of integrated health service (Posyan&) and nutritional status of children under fiw. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Padang panpanamaWn,e st Sumatera Thirty Posymh and 934 children were sampled The PoJyanhu's performance sata were: c d characteristics, knowledge, and pamcipatrpatroTnh.e nutritional staius of &Men was measured using anthropometry. Activities of Pasyandu Pun- and Mandin were better compared to Posyandu Pratma and Madya. Nutritional knowledge of &e was relatively similar among Payyimhs, and so was the participation. The nutritional status of children at the three categories Posyandu was not &fieme @@>0,05C). Cadre needs imrpovement of nutrition knowledge and shills. Keyworh: children, nutritional status, Posyanduid
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleKinerja Posyandu Dan Status Gizi Anak Balita Di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Propmsi Sumatera Baratid
dc.title.alternativeThe Performance of Integrated Health Senice and Nutritional Status of Children Under Five in Padang Pariaman Subdistrict, West Sumateraid

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