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dc.contributor.authorBaniati, Rik Rik
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of this research is to study the cross reaction of Calloselasma rhodostoma (A) and Bungarus fasciatus (B) against venom of Calloselasma rhodostoma Bungarus fasciatus and Naja naja sputatrix (N). Research activities included three steps: (1) titration of snake venoms, (2) titration of snake antivenoms to determine the minimal concentration of both components to produce specific reactions and (3) the cross reaction of respective snake venom and antivenom was determined with Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT). The titration of snake venoms showed that the reaction is observed by the dilution of 1/4 for all venoms. The titration of antivenoms expressed the variation values, 1/32 for antivenom A, 1/16 for antivenom B and 1/4 jor ABN polyvalent antivenom. There is no cross reaction observed among venoms and antivenoms used in this
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleReaksi Silang Antibisa Ular Spesifik Cailoselasnw. Rhodostonw. Dan Bungarus Fasciatus Terhadap. Bisa Ular Cailoselasma Rhodostonw., Bungarus Fasciatus Dan Naja Naja Sputatrix Secara In Vitroid

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