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dc.contributor.authorMauliana, Lia
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to study the effect of homeopathy on blood picture through quality and quantity observation in subdinical mastitis of cows. Twenty two heads pregnant cows suffered on subdinical mastitis were examined and divided into two groups. First group received homeopathic agents : Coenz~me compositum®, Lachesis compositum®, Traumeel® and Carduus compositum , the last group received Mucosa compositum®, Lachesis compositum®, Traumeel®, Coenzyme compositum® and Carduus compositum®. On first group, Coenzyme compositum® were given at 4th and 3rd weeks ante partum, Lachesis compositum® and Traumeel® were given at 1st and 2nd weeks post partum and Coenzyme compositum ® and Carduus compositum® were given at 3rd and 4th weeks post partum. On second group, Mucosa compositum® and Traumee® were given at 4th and 3rd weeks ante partum and the treatment post partum was similar to first group. Statisticauy, the test showed no significant different (P>O,05). The result of this research shows no protection of membrane mucous on first group and exeuent protection membrane mucous on second group, indicated by PMN and lymphocytes
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titlePengaruh Homeopathy Terhadap Hemogram Sederhana Pada Sapi Perahid

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