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dc.contributor.advisorSondita, Fedi A.
dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Akhmad
dc.contributor.advisorNikijuluw, Victor P.H.
dc.contributor.advisorMonintja, Daniel R.
dc.contributor.authorSyaukani, Marwan
dc.description.abstractFishing port networking is an important element of the fisheries development. There are two models of fishing port networking applied in Indonesia, namely “HUB” and”Point” models. The Jakarta Fishing Port is an example of HUB model and others are Point models. It seems that the current Point model of Indonesia fishing port networking is inefficient. The research was held in Belitung, Mendanau, Seliu, Gersik and Sumedang islands - Belitung Regency from October 2007 to May 2009. The research purposes are to classify the status of fishing ports in fishing industry networking, to formulate an efficient model that considers industrial linkage among fishing ports, and to formulate a strategy of fishing management for each island. It was identified that fishing ports in Belitung Regency can be classified into (1) main service provider, (2) intermediate service provider or server, and (3) client.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleModel jaringan industri perikanan tangkap di wilayah kepulauanid, A.Md 2012-10-31 Edit : Pembimbing, Keyword
dc.subject.keywordArchipelagic Fishery
dc.subject.keywordBangka Belitung
dc.subject.keywordNested Multi Criteria Analysis (NMCA)
dc.subject.keywordFishing Port Status
dc.subject.keywordTechnique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)
dc.subject.keywordarchipelagic fishery
dc.subject.keywordfishing port status
dc.subject.keywordindustry networking

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