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dc.contributor.authorAuo, Elfrida Triasny Ludvina Cary
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this experiment was to study the effect of superovulation on body weight and size of pups at birth. Superovulation technique was done with the injection of PMSG before mating on female rats, to increase endogenous secretion of reproductive hormones. Twenty mature rats Sprague-Dawley strained were assigned into four treatments, each treatment with five rats. The treatment was PMSG injection, with: 0; 37,5; 75 and 150 IUlkg BW dosage respectively. PMSG injection was given intra peritoneauy at diestms cyde, then 48 hours later fouowed by HCG injection to stimulate ovulation. The experimental rats were mated and only pregnant rats were maintained until parturition. The body weight and size (head, spine, fore leg and hind leg) of 226 born pups were measured The result showed that superovulation did not significantly influence birth weight, length of head, spine and fore leg. Only 37,5 IUlkg BW dosage that increased the length of the hind leg. Superovulation did not influence the parameters within as weu as among litter
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleEfektivitas Penyuntlkan Pregnant Mare's Serum Gonadotropindalam Superovulasi Pada Bobot Badan Dan Ukuran Tubuh Anak Tikus Putih Saat Lahirid

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