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dc.description.abstractAs alternative way to solve pollution problem that are happened because of modern farming practices is organic farming. The use of organic fertilizers have some real superiority than that of chemical one. Organic fertilizer contains some macro nutirients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, etc) and micro nutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, etc). Besides macro nutrients, these micro nutrients have own role which is needed by crop. Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are two nutrients needed for the growth of a plant. This research was carried out to discover the effect of chickenmanure compost and goat manure compost as well as its combination with pesticides and Thitonia compost on the avaibility of Fe and Mn in soil, their absorption and the production of broccoli and petsai. This research was designed into Group Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 3 replications. Organic fertilizers, those were chicken manure compost (25 ton/ha), goat manure compost (25 ton/ha) and Thitonia compost (3 ton/ha) was applied a the treatments. The results of this research showed that the treatment of organic fertilizers (chicken manure and goat manure as well as its combination) gave significance effect to increase the growth of broccoli but did not increase the growth of petsay, the availability of Fe and Mn in soil and the production of broccoli and petsay. However, there was a tendency that the treatment of chicken manure compost and its combination was higher compared to that of goat manure compost and its combination on all parameter
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleKetersediaan Besi (Fe) dan Mangan dalam Humic Dystrudept dan Serapannya Akibat Pemberian Beberapa Bahan Organik pada Budidaya Tumpangsari Tanaman Brokoli (Brassica oleraceae) dan Petsai (Brassica pekinensis)id

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