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dc.contributor.advisorDharmawan, Leonard
dc.contributor.advisorWiraguna, Edi
dc.contributor.authorSAPUTRA, SANDI
dc.description.abstractSANDI SAPUTRA. Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Minat Petani Dusun Silimapuluh terhadap Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) dan Alat Emposan melalui Penyuluhan. Dibimbing oleh LEONARD DHARMAWAN dan EDI WIRAGUNA. Permasalahan Dusun Silimapuluh meliputi pertumbuhan tanaman yang kurang baik, disebabkan oleh hama tikus dan penggunaan pupuk subsidi anorganik tanpa diimbangi dengan pupuk organik. Alternatif untuk menangani permasalahan tersebut yaitu menggunakan Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) dan penggunaan alat emposan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengidentifikasi permasalahan petani Dusun Silimapuluh, mendeskripsikan kegiatan penyuluhan terhadap petani Dusun Silimapuluh, mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan dan minat petani, serta mengevaluasi kegiatan penyuluhan. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode FGD, wawancara, kuesioner, pre test dan post test, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan petani Dusun Silimapuluh meliputi kelangkaan pupuk subsidi, harga pupuk anorganik mahal, masalah kesuburan tanah, dan hama tikus. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan dengan sosialisasi pemaparan materi dan demonstrasi cara. Pengetahuan petani mengenai MOL dan alat emposan sebelum kegiatan penyuluhan kategori buruk meningkat menjadi kategori baik. Hasil interpretasi persepsi petani terhadap kegiatan penyuluhan sebesar 93,75% dengan kategori sangat tinggi. Minat petani terhadap MOL menunjukkan 85% minat tinggi dan 15% minat sedang, Sedangkan alat emposan menunjukkan 75% minat tinggi dan 25% minat sedang.
dc.description.abstractSANDI SAPUTRA. Increasing the Knowledge and Interest of Dusun Silimapuluh Farmers in Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) and Emposant Tools through Extension. Supervised by LEONARD DHARMAWAN and EDI WIRAGUNA. The problems of Dusun Silimapuluh include poor plant growth, caused by rat pests and the use of inorganic subsidized fertilizers without being balanced with organic fertilizers. Alternatives to deal with these problems are using Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) and the use of emposan tools. The objectives of the study were to identify the problems of Dusun Silimapuluh farmers, describe extension activities to Dusun Silimapuluh farmers, identify the level of knowledge and interest of farmers, and evaluate extension activities. Data were collected using FGDs, interviews, questionnaires, pre and post tests, and documentation. The results showed that the problems of Dusun Silimapuluh farmers include scarcity of subsidized fertilizers, expensive inorganic fertilizer prices, soil fertility problems, and rat pests. Extension activities are carried out by socializing material exposure and demonstration of methods. Farmers' knowledge about MOL and emposan tools before counseling activities in the poor category increased to the good category. The results of the interpretation of farmers' perceptions of extension activities amounted to 93.75% with a very high category. Farmers' interest in MOL showed 85% high interest and 15% moderate interest, while the emposan tool showed 75% high interest and 25% interest.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePeningkatan Pengetahuan dan Minat Petani Dusun Silimapuluh terhadap Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) dan Alat Emposan melalui Penyuluhanid
dc.title.alternativeIncreasing the Knowledge and Interest of Dusun Silimapuluh Farmers in Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) and Emposant Tools through Extension
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordemposan toolid
dc.subject.keywordDusun Silimapuluhid
dc.subject.keywordmikro organisme lokalid

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