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dc.contributor.authorYulianingsih, Elsa
dc.description.abstractMasalah perubahan iklim terdeteksi dengan peningkatan suhu hingga 0,8 derajat Celsius dan Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terdampak. Upaya adaptasi dan mitigasi diperlukan untuk merespons dampak perubahan iklim. Dalam praktiknya, adaptasi perubahan iklim berbasis komunitas (Community-Based Climate Adaptation/CBCA) ditingkat komunitas sangat penting untuk adaptasi iklim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur sistematis untuk mengidentifikasi aksi-aksi perubahan iklim berbasis komunitas di Indonesia. Aksi-aksi tersebut kemudian akan dievaluasi berdasarkan indikator adaptasi berbasis komunitas (Community-Based Adaptation/CBA) untuk menentukan apakah mereka telah efektif dan responsif terhadap dampak perubahan iklim baik dalam hal adaptasi maupun mitigasi secara komprehensif. Indikator dalam penentuan aksi perubahan iklim berbasis komunitas diantaranya yang memiliki keterlibatan aktif berupa partisiptif pemangku kepentingan meliputi pemerintah, akademisi, swasta, dan media. Dari sumber ilmiah, terdapat 31 aksi perubahan iklim yang dilihat memiliki keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan serta peran distribusinya dalam sektor adaptasi dan juga mitigasi. Kata kunci: adaptasi iklim, adaptasi berbasis komunitas, perubahan iklim,. ABSTRACT ELSA YULIANINGSIH. Evaluation of the achievements and targets of existing community-based climate change actions in Indonesia. Supervised by PERDINAN. The problem of climate change is evidenced by an increase in temperature of up to 0.8 degrees Celsius and Indonesia is one of the affected countries. Adaptation and mitigation efforts are essential to respond to the impacts of climate change. In practice, community-based climate adaptation (CBCA) at the local level is crucial for climate adaptation. This research employs a systematic literature review method to identify community-based climate change actions in Indonesia. These actions are then evaluated based on community-based adaptation (CBA) indicators to determine their effectiveness and responsiveness to the impacts of climate change in terms of comprehensive adaptation and mitigation. Indicators for determining community-based climate change action include active involvement in the form of participatory stakeholders, such as government, academics, the private sector, and the media. From scientific sources, 31 climate change actions have been identified as involving stakeholder participation and their distribution roles in the adaptation and mitigation sectors. Keywords: climate adaptation, climate change, community based adaptation.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Capaian dan Target Aksi Perubahan Iklim Berbasis Komunitas di Indonesiaid
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of Achievements and Targets of Community-Based Climate Action in Indonesia
dc.subject.keywordclimate changeid

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