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dc.contributor.advisorPutra, Erianto Indra
dc.contributor.authorBerliyana, Cincy
dc.description.abstractKebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut merupakan masalah lingkungan yang serius di Indonesia, termasuk di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat bahaya kebakaran berdasarkan kerapatan vegetasi lahan gambut menggunakan metode Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) di Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) Sungai Buluh Jambi. Data NDVI diperoleh dari citra satelit dan dianalisis untuk menilai kerapatan vegetasi, yang kemudian dikorelasikan dengan tingkat bahaya kebakaran. Plot yang dibangun berukuran 50 m x 50 m sebanyak 12 plot. Berdasarkan hasil analisis NDVI kelas kerapatan terbagi menjadi kelas 1 (0,0573-0,307), kelas 2 (0,307-0,398), kelas 3 (0,398-0,584). Lokasi penelitian didominasi oleh tegakan Gluta renghas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daerah dengan nilai NDVI rendah memiliki risiko kebakaran yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daerah yang memiliki nilai NDVI tinggi. NDVI dan kelembaban menunjukkan korelasi tertinggi (0,780).
dc.description.abstractForest and peatland fires are serious environmental issues in Indonesia, including in Jambi Province. This study aims to identify fire hazard levels based on peatland vegetation density using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) method in the Sungai Buluh Peat Protected Forest (HLG), Jambi. NDVI data were obtained from satellite imagery and analyzed to assess vegetation density, which was then correlated with fire hazard levels. A total of 12 plots measuring 50 m x 50 m each were established. Based on NDVI analysis, density classes were divided into class 1 (0.0573-0.307), class 2 (0.307-0.398), and class 3 (0.398-0.584). The study area was predominantly occupied by Gluta renghas stands. The results indicated that areas with low NDVI values have a higher fire risk compared to areas with high NDVI values. NDVI and humidity showed the highest correlation (0.780).
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleTingkat Bahaya Kebakaran pada Kerapatan Vegetasi Berbeda di Hutan Lindung Gambut Sungai Buluh Jambi menggunakan NDVIid
dc.title.alternativeFire Hazard Level Based on Vegetation Density in Sungai Buluh Peat Protected Forest, Jambi Using NDVI
dc.subject.keywordNDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)id

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