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dc.contributor.authorZahra, Alya Nur
dc.description.abstractVideo dokumenter kesejahteraan lansia adalah dokumenter mendalam yang mendokumentasikan kehidupan lansia yang berada di Kota Bogor. Tujuan dari proyek akhir ini untuk menjelaskan proses produksi dan penerapan teknik editing dalam pembuatan video dokumenter. Proyek akhir ini dilaksanakan di kantor DPRD Kota Bogor dan berlangsung selama empat bulan. Produksi video dokumenter kesejahteraan lansia melewati tiga tahap diantaranya pra-produksi, produksi dan pasca produksi. Tahap pra-produksi meliputi ide dan konsep, pembuatan naskah, storyboard, survei lokasi, menentukan narasumber, dan persiapan alat. Tahap produksi meliputi pengambilan gambar dan merekam voice over. Tahap pasca produksi editor mengedit mulai dari tahap pemindahan bahan hingga tahap ekspor video. Proses editing melalui dua tahapan yaitu offline editing dan online editing. Offline editing dilakukan untuk menciptakan alur yang menarik. Online editing dilakukan untuk menyempurnakan hasil dari offline editing. Selain itu editor juga menerapkan beberapa teknik cut dan transisi dalam proses pengeditan video dokumenter.
dc.description.abstractThe elderly welfare documentary video is an in-depth documentary that documents the lives of the elderly in Bogor City. The purpose of this final project is to explain the production process and application of editing techniques in making documentary videos. This final project was carried out at the Bogor City DPRD office and lasted for four months. The production of the elderly welfare documentary video went through three stages, namely pre-production, production and post-production. The pre-production stage includes ideas and concepts, script writing, storyboarding, location surveys, determining sources, and preparing equipment. The production stage includes shooting and recording voice overs. The post-production stage, the editor edits from the stage of moving materials to the stage of exporting videos. The editing process goes through two stages, namely offline editing and online editing. Offline editing is done to create an interesting flow. Online editing is done to perfect the results of offline editing. In addition, the editor also applies several cut and transition techniques in the process of editing documentary videos.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan Teknik Editing dalam Produksi Video Dokumenter Kelompok Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia pada DPRD Kota Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Editing Techniques in The Production of Documentary Videos on The Welfare of The Elderly Group at The Bogor City DPRD
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordediting techniquesid
dc.subject.keywordBogor City DPRDid
dc.subject.keyworddocumentary videoid
dc.subject.keywordelderly personid

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