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dc.contributor.advisorNikmatin, Siti
dc.contributor.advisorAdiati, Rima Fitria
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Nazwa Nuradilla
dc.description.abstractGeo-textile nonwoven disintesis menggunakan serat TKKS dengan tujuan menjadi salah satu alternatif pemanfaatan limbah TKKS dalam pengembangan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Geo-textile nonwoven disentesis melalui metode fisika dan kimia, dengan variasi gramasi dan jumlah perekat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan analisis sifat fisis, mekanik, dan termal pada geo-textile. Pengujian yang dilakukan berupa pengujian densitas, pengujian daya serap air, pengujian Surface Free Energy (SFE), pengujian kuat tarik (tensile strength), dan pengujian daya serap panas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi gramasi dan jumlah perekat mempengaruhi sifat permukaan, mekanik, dan termal dari geo textile nonwoven. Pengujian SFE tertinggi ditunjukkan pada sampel A1. Variasi cairan uji SFE menunjukkan material yang bersifat hidrofilik. Kekuatan mekanik terbaik dihasilkan oleh sampel C3 sebesar 1,69 MPa, elongation at break sebesar 1,47%, dan modulus Young sebesar 1,15 MPa. Kata kunci: geo-textile nonwoven, kuat tarik, Surface Free Energy (SFE)
dc.description.abstractNonwoven geotextiles were synthesized using oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibers with the aim of providing an alternative utilization of EFB waste in the development of environmentally friendly technology. The nonwoven geotextiles were synthesized through physical and chemical methods, with variations in grammage and adhesive quantity. This study aims to analyze the physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the geotextiles. The tests conducted included density testing, water absorption testing, Surface Free Energy (SFE) testing, tensile strength testing, and heat absorption testing. The results show that variations in grammage and adhesive quantity affect the surface, mechanical, and thermal properties of the nonwoven geotextiles. The highest SFE test was shown in sample A1. The SFE liquid test variations indicated that the material is hydrophilic. The best mechanical strength was produced by sample C3 with a tensile strength of 1.69 MPa, an elongation at break of 1.47%, and a Young's modulus of 1.15 MPa. Keywords: nonwoven geotextile, Surface Free Energy (SFE), tensile strength
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleSintesa dan Karakterisasi Geo-Textile Nonwoven Berbahan Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS)id
dc.subject.keywordnonwoven geotextileid
dc.subject.keywordsurface free energyid
dc.subject.keywordtensile strengthid

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