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dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Yanto
dc.contributor.authorFahira, Nanda Faradilla Putri
dc.description.abstractJalak putih (Acridotheres melanopterus) adalah burung endemik Indonesia yang dilindungi dan hampir punah akibat perdagangan ilegal. Hukuman bagi pelaku saat ini tergolong rendah dan tidak memberikan efek jera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga nilai ekonomi jalak putih dengan pendekatan harga pasar dan biaya pemeliharaan serta menganalisis metode yang tepat dalam valuasi ekonominya. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi studi literatur melalui e-commerce, media sosial, berita, jurnal, dan sumber lainnya terkait harga pasar, serta wawancara dengan pengelola Kere Ayem Bird Farm terkait biaya pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ekonomi jalak putih berdasarkan harga pasar mencapai Rp1.409.995/ekor, sedangkan berdasarkan biaya pemeliharaan selama dua bulan mencapai Rp815.800/ekor. Pendekatan metode nilai ekonomi jalak putih berdasarkan harga pasar dinilai lebih tepat digunakan karena pendugaan nilai ekonominya lebih tinggi, efektif dalam pengambilan dan analisis data, serta memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi ditinjau dari biaya, waktu, dan tenaga.
dc.description.abstractThe black-winged myna (Acridotheres melanopterus) is an endemic bird of Indonesia that is protected and nearly extinct due to illegal trade. The current punishment for offenders is relatively lenient and does not serve as a deterrent. This study estimates the economic value of the black-winged myna using market price and maintenance cost approaches, and evaluates the best method for its economic valuation. The research methods include literature studies through e-commerce, social media, news, journals, and other sources related to market prices, along with interviews at Kere Ayem Bird Farm regarding the maintenance costs. The results show that the economic value of black-winged myna based on market prices reaches IDR 1.409.995/head, while based on maintenance costs over two months, it reaches IDR 815.800/head. The approach of estimating the economic value of the black-winged myna based on market prices is considered more appropriate because it provides a higher economic value estimate, is more effective in data collection and analysis, and highly efficient in terms of cost, time, and effort.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePendugaan Nilai Ekonomi Jalak Putih (Acridotheres melanopterus Daudin, 1800) Berdasarkan Harga Pasar dan Biaya Pemeliharaanid
dc.title.alternativeEstimation of The Economic Value of the Black-winged Myna (Acridotheres melanopterus Daudin, 1800) Based on Market Price and Maintenance Costs
dc.subject.keywordbiaya pemeliharaanid
dc.subject.keywordharga pasarid
dc.subject.keywordnilai ekonomiid
dc.subject.keywordjalak putihid
dc.subject.keywordperbandingan metodeid

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