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dc.contributor.advisorMuliasari, Ade Astri
dc.contributor.authorNingsih, Wahyu
dc.description.abstractPenyakit bercak daun banyak ditemukan pada fase pembibitan kelapa sawit. Bercak daun dapat menyebabkan bibit menjadi berawana kuning tembus cahaya yang dapat dilihat di kedua permukaan daun. B?r??k berkembang m?mb???r dan menjadi ?g?k lonjong d?ng?n panjang 7-8 mm berwarna c?kl?t dan m?njad? jel??. P?d? gejala tingkat lanjut b?r??k m?n??b?bk?n nekrosis, beberapa b?r??k m?n??b?bk?n bentuk b?r??k yang tidak beraturan dan b?b?r??? k??u? b?g??n tengah b?r??k kering, rapuh, b?rw?rn? k?l?bu atau c?kl?t muda sehingga bibit menjadi abnormal dan tidak memenuhi persiapan bibit siap salur. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penanganan untuk mengendalikan penyakit bercak daun yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Curvularia sp. percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahan aktif mancozeb dan klorotalonil pada bibit 8 bulan setelah transplanting. Perlakuan ini di rancang menggunakan metode perlakuan terdiri dari bahan aktif mancozeb,klorotalonil dan kombinasi dengan dosis perlakuan tediri dari 25%,50% dan 100%. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan perlakuan menggunakan bahan aktif tunggal mancozeb (P1) menunjukkan persentase daya hambat tertinggi yaitu 57,71%, sedangkan pada perlakuan kombinasi (R1) menunjukkan hasil persentase terendah terhadap daya hambata pertumbuhan cendawan Curvularia sp. yaitu 53,29%. Sedangkan hasil interaksi antara pengaruh bahan aktif tunggal dan kombinasi menunjukkan pada perlakuan P1L3 (mancozeb 100%) memiliki daya hambat tertinggi yaitu 64,96 %.
dc.description.abstractLeaf spot disease is a common occurrence during the nursery phase of oil palm cultivation. Leaf spot can result in seedlings exhibiting a translucent yellow discoloration on both leaf surfaces. Berk develops members and becomes oval with a length of 7-8 mm, colored coklat, and becomes clear. Advanced symptoms of bercak may include necrosis, irregular bercak shape, and berberapa kasu. The center of the bercak is dry, brittle, and covered with a light coat of coklat, which results in abnormal seedlings that fail to meet the criteria for ready-to-sell seedlings. Thus, a treatment is required to control the leaf spot disease caused by the fungus Curvularia sp. To this end, experiments were conducted using the active ingredients mancozeb and chlorothalonil on seedlings eight months after transplanting. The treatment was designed using a method comprising active ingredients mancozeb and chlorothalonil, with doses of 25%, 50%, and 100% applied. The results of the observations indicated that the treatment utilising a single active ingredient, mancozeb (P1), demonstrated the highest percentage of inhibition, with a value of 57.71%. Conversely, the combination treatment (R1) exhibited the lowest percentage of inhibition, with a value of 53.29%, in the growth of the Curvularia sp. fungus. The results of the interaction between the effect of a single active ingredient and the combination demonstrated that the P1L3 treatment (100% mancozeb) exhibited the highest inhibition, reaching 64.96%.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Fungsida Berbahan Aktif Tunggal Mancozeb, Klorotalonil terhadap pertumbuhan Curvularia sp. Secara In Vitroid
dc.title.alternativeThe Effect of Single Active Ingredient Fungicides Mancozeb and Chlorothalonil on the Growth of Curvularia sp. in Vitro
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordleaf spotsid

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