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dc.contributor.advisorHermawan, Rachmad
dc.contributor.advisorBonanza, Occy
dc.contributor.authorNoviyansyah, Muhammad Ilham Putra
dc.description.abstractPengembangan wisata agro di Kecamatan Kalianda, Lampung Selatan, khususnya di Kebun Edukasi, belum optimal. Untuk meningkatkan potensi wisata tersebut, perlu dilakukan identifikasi potensi, analisis preferensi wisatawan, dan penyusunan program wisata sesuai dengan preferensi wisatawan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari 15 Januari hingga 12 Februari 2024, menggunakan data tentang potensi alam dan buatan serta preferensi terhadap atraksi, akomodasi, amenitas, dan aksesibilitas. Metode penelitian mencakup studi literatur, wawancara, observasi, dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada berbagai kelompok usia. Hasil penelitian Kebun Edukasi memiliki potensi alam berupa beragam tumbuhan, satwa, dan pemandangan pegunungan. Potensi buatan meliputi area bermain anak, gazebo, perpustakaan, dan spot foto. Wisatawan mengutamakan atraksi berfoto, amenitas musala, aksesibilitas yang mudah, dan akomodasi hotel bintang empat. Luaran proyek ini berupa program wisata dan media promosi seperti video dan poster, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya tarik wisata agro di Kecamatan Kalianda.
dc.description.abstractThe development of agrotourism in Kalianda, South Lampung, especially for the Education Garden, is still not optimal. To optimize the potential of agrotourism, it is necessary to do the potential identification, analysis of tourist preferences, and prepare tourism programs that applicable to the tourist preferences. This research was conducted from January 15 to February 12, 2024, using data of natural and artificial tourism potential and tourist preferences for attractions, accommodation, amenities, and accessibility. The data are collected by literature study, interviews with the management team, observation, and distributing questionnaires. The results are Education Garden has natural potential of various types of plants and animals and mountain scenery, also artificial potential which the play areas, gazebo, libraries and photo spots. The highest tourist preferences are photo attractions, prayer room facilities, easy accessibility and four-star hotel accommodation. The tourism program and promotional media using videos and posters are prepared based on the research result and expected to increase the attractiveness of agrotourism in Kalianda.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Wisata Agro Berdasarkan Preferensi Wisatawan di Kebun Edukasi Kecamatan Kalianda Kabupaten Lampung Selatanid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Agrotourism Based on Tourist Preferences in Educational Garden in Kalianda, South Lampung
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordEducational Gardenid
dc.subject.keywordTourist Preferenceid

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