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dc.contributor.advisorAstuti, Vivien Febri
dc.contributor.authorAshar, Abyan Abdullah
dc.description.abstractABYAN ABDULLAH ASHAR. Penerapan Sinematografi Oleh Director Of Photography Dalam Film Dokumenter “Sentuhan”. Application Of Cinematography By The Director Of Photography In The Documentary Film "Sentuhan". Dibimbing oleh Vivien Febri Astuti Pada tahun 2017, Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia menyebutkan jumlah tunanetra di Indonesia adalah 1,5 % dari seluruh penduduk. Jika saat ini penduduk Indonesia berjumlah 250 juta, berarti, sekurang-kurangnya saat ini ada 3,750,000 tunanetra, baik kategori buta maupun lemah penglihatan. Jumlah tunanetra di Indonesia tidak sedikit, namun sangat disayangkan penyandang tunanetra masih mendapatkan perlakuan diskriminasi seperti dikucilkan, bahkan dipandang sebelah mata. Film Dokumenter menjadi salah satu solusi untuk menyampaikan pesan dan informasi yang dikemas dengan visual yang menarik sehingga mampu memberikan kesadaran kepada masyarakat tentang penyandang tunanetra karena film dokumenter bisa digunakan sebagai media pendidikan. Director of photography sebagai penanggung jawab visual dalam film dokumenter perlu menerapkan unsur sinematografi agar visual dalam film menjadi lebih menarik dan pesan akan lebih mudah diterima oleh masyarakat. Unsur-unsur sinematografi diantaranya kamera dan film, framing, dan durasi.
dc.description.abstractABYAN ABDULLAH ASHAR. Application Of Cinematography By The Director Of Photography In The Documentary Film "Sentuhan". Supervised by Vivien Febri Astuti. In 2017, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia stated that the number of tunanetra in Indonesia was 1.5% of the total population. If the current population of Indonesia is 250 million, it means that there are at least 3,750,000 people, both blind and visually impaired. The number of tunanetra in Indonesia is not small, but it is very unfortunate that the people who are still being treated as discriminated against, even by the eye. Documentary films have become one of the solutions to convey messages and information packaged with interesting visuals so that it can give public awareness about the subject of the documentary because documentary films can be used as educational media. The Director of Photography, as the visual manager in documentary films, needs to implement the elements of cinematography so that the visual in the film becomes more attractive and the message more easily accepted by the public. The elements of cinematography include cameras and films, framing, and duration.
dc.description.sponsorshipRumah Produksi The Group
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan Sinematografi oleh Director of Photography dalam Film Dokumenter “Sentuhan”id
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Cinematography by The Director of Photography in The Documentary Film "Sentuhan"
dc.typeTugas Akhir

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