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dc.contributor.advisorGunawan, Ayumi Fitriani
dc.contributor.authorPANGAWIT, MUTI FANI MIRDA
dc.description.abstractProgram desa wisata yang digagas oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif bertujuan menarik wisatawan domestik dan meningkatkan ekonomi lokal melalui promosi desa wisata, dengan 6.019 desa tercatat di situs Jadesta. Kampung Perca di Bogor dan Kampung Wisata Kreatif Cigadung di Bandung adalah contoh pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pariwisata. TVRI Jawa Barat mendukung promosi ini melalui berita informatif, dengan reporter yang mengumpulkan, mengolah, dan melaporkan berita sesuai kode etik jurnalistik. Tujuan penulisan Laporan Proyek Akhir ini adalah menjelaskan penerapan kode etik jurnalistik saat meliput kedua desa wisata tersebut, serta menganalisis proses kerja reporter. Reporter melakukan riset mendalam, menghormati privasi, menolak suap, dan menjaga akurasi serta keseimbangan berita. Proses kerja mencakup riset awal, analisis potensi, eksplorasi inisiatif masyarakat, pembuatan naskah, perencanaan, produksi, dan penyuntingan video, memastikan liputan sesuai kode etik jurnalistik.
dc.description.abstractThe village tourism program initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy aims to attract domestic tourists and boost the local economy through the promotion of village tourism, with 6,019 villages listed on the Jadesta site. Kampung Perca in Bogor and Kampung Wisata Kreatif Cigadung in Bandung are examples of community empowerment through tourism. TVRI West Java supports this promotion through informative news programs, with reporters who gather, process, and report news according to strict journalistic ethics. The purpose of this Final Project Report is to explain the application of journalistic ethics in covering these two tourist villages, as well as to analyze the reporters' workflow. Reporters conduct in-depth research, respect privacy, reject bribes, and maintain accuracy and balance in reporting. Their workflow includes initial research, potential analysis, exploration of community initiatives, scriptwriting, detailed planning, production, and video editing, ensuring coverage adheres to journalistic ethics.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan Kode Etik Jurnalistik oleh Reporter untuk Tayangan Desa Wisata di TVRI Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeImplementation Of The Journalistic Code Of Ethics By Reporter For Village Tourism On TVRI West Java
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordvillage tourismid
dc.subject.keywordcreative economyid
dc.subject.keywordcreative tourismid

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