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dc.contributor.advisorRachman, Latief Mahir
dc.contributor.advisorHartono, Arief
dc.contributor.authorWibawa, Satria Putera
dc.description.abstractProduktivitas lahan selain faktor iklim, pengairan dan hama penyakit juga ditentukan oleh kualitas lahan. Tanah sawah memiliki sifat karakteristik dan tingkat kesuburan yang berbeda dengan jenis lahan pertanian lainnya. Tanah sawah memiliki peruntukan pada tanaman pangan khususnya tanaman padi serta penggunaan air dengan jumlah yang banyak dibandingkan tanah yang tidak disawahkan serta sangat bervariatif bisa ditanaminya. Keanekaragaman karakteristik sifat tanah sawah perlu dievaluasi untuk mengetahui kualitas dan tingkat kesuburannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi karakteristik sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah sawah, menetapkan Indeks Kualitas Tanah (IKT) pada tanah sawah serta memberikan solusi untuk meningkatkan produksi padi pada tanah sawah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Ramasari, Kecamatan Haurwangi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Provinsi Jawa Bawat. Analisis indeks kualitas tanah berdasarkan metode Lal (1994) menggunakan Minimum Data Set (MDS) yang menjadi penciri kunci dari kualitas tanah di wilayah tropis dengan bobot (weighted coefisient) yang sama setiap parameter yaitu 10%. Masing-masing indikator sifat fisik dan kimia diberi skor antara 0-5 dan disesuaikan dengan kriteria indeks kualitas tanah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa parameter sifat fisik dan kimia tanah yang ditetapkan sebagai Minimum Data Set (MDS) tekstur, bobot isi, porositas, C-organik, N-total, P-tersedia (P2O5), Kalium dapat ditukar (K-dd), Kapasitas Tukar Kation (KTK), dan Kejenuhan Basa (KB). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan lokasi penelitian bertekstur klei yang masuk kedalam kategori sedang. Bobot isi berkisar pada 0.87 – 1.1g/cm3 . Porositas berkisar pada 37.63 – 57.31%. Kadar C-organik masuk kedalam katagori sedang hingga baik. N Total berkisar 0.18-0.21% masuk relatif tergolong buruk. P-tersedia, K-dd masuk dalam katagori buruk hingga sangat buruk. KTK dan KB relatif tinggi. Total mikrob berkisar 19.5-24.5 (x105 CFU g-1 ). Respirasi tanah memiliki nilai pada rentang 6,26 - 9,69 mg CO2/kg tanah/hari . Nilai IKT berkisar 28 – 32, yang masuk kategori sedang dan baik. Hasil produksi padi di lokasi penelitian belum mencapai produktivitas maksimum dari setiap verietasnya. Nilai indeks kualitas tanah belum mencapai katagori yang sangat memuaskan dikarenakan selain total skornya yang masih belum tinggi, juga masih ada parameter yang menjadi faktor pembatas yang memiliki skor yang sama atau lebih rendah dari dua, yaitu, N-total, P-tersedia dan K-tersedia serta porositas.
dc.description.abstractApart from climate, irrigation and pest and disease factors, land productivity is also determined by land quality. Rice fields have different characteristics and fertility levels from other types of agricultural land. Paddy fields are designated for food crops, especially rice, and use large amounts of water compared to land that is not cultivated and can be planted with a lot of variety. The diversity of characteristics of paddy field soil needs to be evaluated to determine its quality and level of fertility. This research aims to evaluate the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of rice field soil, determine the Soil Quality Index (IKT) on rice field soil and provide solutions to increase rice production on rice field soil. The research was carried out in Ramasari Village, Haurwangi District, Cianjur Regency, Java Bawat Province. Soil quality index analysis based on the Lal (1994) method uses the Minimum Data Set (MDS) which is a key characteristic of soil quality in tropical regions with the same weighted coefficient for each parameter, namely 10%. Each indicator of physical and chemical properties is given a score between 0-5 and adjusted to the soil quality index criteria. Based on the research results, it was found that the parameters of the physical and chemical properties of the soil were determined as Minimum Data Set (MDS), texture, unit weight, porosity, C-organic, N-total, P-available (P2O5), exchangeable potassium (K-dd) , Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and Base Saturation (KB). Based on the research results, it shows that the research location has a smooth texture which is included in the medium category. Fill weight ranges from 0.87 – 1.1g/cm3 . Porosity ranges from 37.63 – 57.31%. Organic C levels are in the moderate to good category. N-Total ranges from 0.18-0.21% which is relatively bad. P-available, K-dd is in the bad to very bad category. CEC and KB are relatively high. Total microbes ranged from 19.5-24.5 (x105 CFU g-1 ). Soil respiration has a value in the range of 6.26 - 9.69 mg CO2/kg soil/day. The IKT value ranges from 28 – 32, which is in the medium and good category. Rice production results at the research location have not yet reached maximum productivity for each variety. The soil quality index value has not yet reached a very satisfactory category because apart from the total score which is still not high, there are also parameters which are limiting factors which have the same or lower score of the two, namely, N-total, P-available and K available as well as porosity.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subject.keywordlahan sawahid
dc.subject.keywordminimum data set (MDS)id

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