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dc.contributor.advisorMindara, Gema Parasti
dc.contributor.authorCHAIRUNNISA, SALSABILA
dc.description.abstractVendor selection merupakan proses yang bertujuan dalam memilih vendor untuk memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi. Pemilihan vendor dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria kualitas, harga, dan ketepatan. Selanjutnya setelah vendor dipilih, maka unit kerja membuat purchase order. Purchase order merupakan dokumen resmi yang digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi pemesanan barang dari vendor. Vendor Selection dan Purchase Order dibangun dalam modul Procurement pada sistem ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central menggunakan metodologi Scrum. Metodologi Scrum dipilih karena fleksibilitas dan kemampuannya dalam mengelola perubahan selama pengembangan sistem. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fitur yang dikembangkan mampu mengoptimalkan proses pemilihan vendor dan membuat purchase order secara otomatis, khususnya pada lingkungan yang memiliki kebutuhan procurement yang kompleks.
dc.description.abstractVendor selection is a process aimed at choosing vendors to meet organizational needs. The selection of vendors is based on criteria of quality, price, and timeliness. After a vendor is selected, the work unit creates a purchase order. A purchase order is an official document used to confirm the ordering of goods from the vendor. Vendor Selection and Purchase Order are built within the Procurement module on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP system using the Scrum methodology. The Scrum methodology was chosen for its flexibility and ability to manage changes during system development. The results of this research indicate that the developed features are able to optimize the vendor selection process and create purchase orders automatically, particularly in environments with complex procurement needs.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePembuatan Vendor Selection dan Purchase Order dalam Modul Procurement Sistem ERP Dynamics 365 Business Centralid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Vendor Selection and Purchase Order Features in the Procurement Module of the ERP System Dynamics 365 Business Central
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordDynamics 365 Business Centralid
dc.subject.keywordPurchase Orderid
dc.subject.keywordVendor Selectionid

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